Friday 16 October 2009

The American Boy - Contents

The American Boy

Volume Number Year Month

12 7 1911 May
Page Article

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1 Under His Own Flag Clarence B. Kelland

2 The Young American Privateers Cyrus Townsend Brady part/serial Ch 10 Brady
6 The Great American Game Irving E. Sanborn part/serial part2 Sanborn
7 "Our" Column editor column

8 Joe Weston, Book Farmer Garrard Harris part/serial ch 4&5
10 The Gage of Battle Clarence B. Kelland part/serial ch20
14 Bartley, Freshman Pitcher William Heyliger part/serial ch7
17 Ramon and Toro Negro Herbert Coolidge

18 Useful Hints for The Outdoors Boy A. Hyatt Verrill column
20 For the Boys to Make John L. Dougheny column

21 What Has Happened in May

22 The Stamp Collector Willard O. Wyle column

24 The Boy Photographer Dr. Hugo Erichsen column

25 Boy Mechanic and Electrician Capt. H.A.R. Gray column

27 Current Events

28 Chicken Farming on a City Lot

30 The Great American Boy Army

32 Just For Fun

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