Thursday 17 June 2010

From Nova Scotia Blue Book and Encyclopedia 1932

From Nova Scotia Blue Book and Encyclopedia – published by Historical Publishers Association 1932 (A book first encountered at The Halifax Club, May 2010)


ACADIA GAS ENGINES, LIMITED, BRIDGEWATER, N.S.— An old established firm and leader in its line which is manufacture of Acadia two and four cycle marine and stationary engines, vessels' heaving outfits, hoists, winches, lobster pot hoists, etc.

This concern occupies 65,000 square feet of space and has 65 employees. It does a large trade in Eastern Canada and British Columbia. Fifty percent of the business is exported. Business started in 1908 with 3,400 square feet for plant.

Officers are: W. T. Ritcey, president and general manager; D. A. O'Neil, vice-president and sales manager; J. E. Hirtle, secretary and treasurer.

THE PHINNEY MUSIC CO., LIMITED, HALIFAX, N.S.— Few firms in Canada can boast of as long a record of service to the musical public as The Phinney Music Co., Ltd. Established at Lawrencetown, Annapolis Co., away back in 1872 by the late Mr. N. H. Phinney, this firm has had a continuous growth, and has for many years held the position of the leading music house of the Maritimes. The present officers of the company are J. A. C. Moore, president and manager; E. F. Lordly, secretary-treasurer and manager of the sporting goods department; V. S. Josey, director.

The Phinney Music Co., Ltd. advertise a complete musical service, which with them is a statement of fact, for not only do they carry a large stock of high grade pianos, phonographs and radio receivers, but they also have a very complete line of small instruments, records and sheet music. In addition to this they maintain a strictly modern service department which is equipped to handle any and all repairs to musical instruments from the violin to the pipe organ.

In 1924 a Sporting Goods Department was opened, specializing in high grade sporting goods and in 1931 an electric department was added, featuring electric refrigerators and washing machines.

From the inception of the firm in 1872 until this present day their name has been synonomous with fair dealing, honest value, courteous and efficient service.

Independent of their successful commercial activities, the directors have always shown a deep interest in civic and community affairs. They are convinced that Nova Scotia is by nature the finest country in the world and all their efforts are directed toward making it a yet brighter and happier place in which to live.

John Alexander Campbell Moore of Halifax, president of the company, is of pioneer stock, his grandparents coming, two from the north of Ireland and two of Scottish descent. He was born in Mechanic Sett, King's County, N.B., son of John and Frances (Cochrane) Moore. He attended the public schools at Mechanic Sett and at Lawrenctown (Anna County) Nova Scotia. He was brought up on a farm, taught public school for one year, spent a short time in lumbering and joined Phinney Co. in 1910. He began as office assistant, then was accountant, manager credit department, secretary-treasurer, manager. In 1928 he organized the present company, taking over the business of Phinney's, Ltd., and becoming president and manager of the new company.

Mr. Moore was married at Lawrencetown (Annapolis County), October 20, 1915, to Georgina Uniacke Whitman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Whitman, and grand-daughter of the late Hon. William C. Whitman, former member Nova Scotia Legislative Council. They have one child, Marion Frances Moore, born March 20, 1920.

He is a Mason, St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M, R.N.S. Scottish Rite — Valley of Halifax. He is also a member of the Rotary, City, and Halifax (Curling) Clubs. Is a member of the J. Wesley Smith Memorial Church and at present treasurer, and was in charge of the Young People's Work for three years. Hobbies are curling, fishing and books.

Associated with him as directors of the company are Messrs. E. F. Lordly, secretary-treasurer, and Verner S. Josey.

Mr. Lordly is a Halifax boy who began his business career with the Royal Bank of Canada, resigning from there to become office manager for the Phinney Co. Upon the opening of the Sporting Goods Department Mr. Lordly was appointed manager. His keen interest in every form of sport made this department a success from the start. It has grown steadily and has been an immense asset to sport lovers of Nova Scotia who are now able to procure locally the best known makes of English and American sports equipment.

Mr. Verner S. Josey is also a native of Halifax. As a very young man he became connected with the Sales Department of Nerlich & Co. of Toronto and travelled the Maritime Provinces in their interests for several years, resigning to accept a position with A. M. Bell as manager of their toy department. In 1918 he became associated with the Phinney Co. as manager of the Music Department. In this capacity he has taken a particular interest in radio broadcasting and has had charge of the broadcast programs of the company, with the result that "The Phinney Cabinet of Melody" has become one of the most popular features on the air from Halifax station CHNS.

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