Thursday 25 August 2011

Was Not an Elopement

This is from a New Haven newspaper the day after the Verrill-McCarthy marriage. We knew there was controversy, but had thought it was because of the Father-in-Law's occupation! The image can be clicked on for enlarging, but trust me it is not the greatest, but it is the only one I have seen in six years of searching. Thanks again, Alan.

Was Not An Elopement.

Source came from Alan Schenker, digitized by Doug Frizzle August 2011

The Verrill-McCarthy Marriage

The Yale Professor’s Son and Edward McCarthy’s Daughter are Married in the Church of the Holy Cross, New York—Why the Groom’s Parents Objected

The following marriage notice appeared in the New York Herald of yesterday:

Verrill-McCarthy—In this city, January 21, 1892, at the Church of the Holy Cross, by the Rev. Charles McCready, Alpheus H. Verrill to Kathryn L. McCarthy, both of New Haven, Conn.

The parties to the above contract are well known in this city, and their marriage in New York, the first announcement of which appeared as above in the Herald, has set gossip agog, and all sorts of rumors were afloat this morning, the principal one being that it was an elopement.

The groom, Alpheus Hyatt Verrill, is the second son of Addison, E. Verrill, M. A., professor of zoology and curator of the zoological collection at Peabody museum of Yale, and the bride, Miss Kathryn L. McCarthy, is the eldest daughter of Edwin McCarthy, the wholesale liquor dealer of Congress avenue.

What gave color to the elopement theory is the fact that Mr. Verrill was known to be a Protestant while Miss McCarthy was a Catholic, and it was inferred that their marriage in New York unbeknown to their immediate friends was to prevent opposition on the part of their parents.

An investigation into the facts of the case reveal that while the marriage was approved by the parents of the bride the match was strongly opposed by the parents of the groom and the quiet marriage in New York was to prevent any opposition on the part of the latter to put a stop to it.

The couple left New Haven last Thursday and, in company with Edwin McCarthy, his wife and another daughter, went to New York. The step had been contemplated for some time previously, young Mr. Verrill himself going to New York and making arrangements for it. The performance of the ceremony by Rev. Charles McCready of the Church of the Holy Cross was in conformity with the wishes of the bride’s parents, who had once been attendants at that church. The couple returned to New Haven on Friday night and took up their quarters at the Tontine hotel and have since been residing there. Mrs. Verrill, before her marriage, was a teacher in Room 2 of the Davenport school. On the morning of the day of the wedding she visited the office of the board of education and formally tendered her resignation, to take effect in two weeks. This morning she resumed her duties and will continue them until the close of the week. The resignation was received with some surprise, no information being given as to the reason of her action, and the fact that she was married did not become known there until this morning.

Alpheus H. Verrill was seen this morning at the Tontine hotel, and he consented to tell the facts in the case.

“I have known Miss McCarthy, now my wife, for some time.” said he “and our marriage was no elopement. The fact that we were to be married was well known to her parents and they were present at the ceremony, and our immediate return to New Haven is sufficient evidence that the marriage was not an elopement. I must confess that there was objection to the marriage upon the part of my parents principally because my wife is a Catholic while they were of the Protestant faith, and our marriage in New York was simply to prevent any trouble and comment that might arise by having the ceremony performed here. So far as I am concerned I am not bound by any denominational ties, and therefore the fact of my wife's being a Catholic did not enter into the question. I have never believed in arranged marriages, and in taking the step I have merely consulted my own wishes. As a matter of fact, I have during a long period spent in South America attended the Catholic church almost wholly, as there are no other denominations there, and naturally I, as a Protestant, feel less strongly upon the subject. The fact that I was a Protestant in no way interfered with my marriage. We visited the Church of the Holy Cross in New York, and explained matters to the pastor, Rev. Charles McCready, and he secured a dispensation for us and performed the ceremony. Since our return to New Haven we have been living at this hotel and will continue to reside here until next Friday, when we leave for New York, and will embark on a steamer for Costa Rica, Central America, where we will reside in the future. I have secured an official position in the National museum and I expect to reside permanently provided the climate agrees with my wife's health.

"The opposition which my marriage has occasioned upon the part of my parents I do not believe will be of long duration but it is natural that at present they should feel a little disinclined to look upon it with favor. I have, however, not avoided them but have since my return to New Haven called upon my father several times and in fact am doing work for him at the present time. Once in South America, the religious phase of the case will disappear, inasmuch as churches there, which I have previously stated, are all Catholic and are the only ones my wife and I could attend however much I might wish to go elsewhere. I hope previous to my departure that matters will be amicably arranged on all sides and I believe, they will. That is all there is to it.”

Mr. Verrill is a young man not over 25 years of age, and appears to advantage. He is about the average in height and is slim in build having a smooth face that is exceedingly attractive. He has aided his father to a great extent and is accredited with being a first class zoologist. His elder brother is already married while his younger brother is still in school. His wife is attractive in appearance and has a host of friends in this city. Her father Edwin McCarthy, is also thoroughly well known. When seen this morning in reference to the matter he stated that he regarded the marriage of his daughter as a thoroughly family matter and no business whatever of the public. He furthermore volunteered the information that he regarded it as a piece of impertinence for any one to make inquiry in reference to it, and should so treat it. He seemed to be in good spirits and seemed to relish the alliance which had been made between the son of a professor of Yale and his own daughter. The newly wedded couple will attend the Knights of St Patrick ball tomorrow night in company with the bride's parents.

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