Tuesday 13 September 2011

Pioneering Sage of the Suwannee

This item was purchased at an auction and it seems that it was produced for a story that we have yet to locate. The photo is certainly a great one, taken at the homestead that he built.

Pioneering Sage of the Suwannee

Collected and digitized by Doug Frizzle, September 2011

32666 Wide World Please Credit (This picture is for release to PMS of Tuesday, Sept.7, 1943 (note special release date) and thereafter, with Malcolm B. Johnson’s Chiefland, Fla., AP special story on A. Hyatt Verrill)

A, Hyatt Verrill, 20th century pioneer at the age or 73, stands near his hand-built home at the old Anhiarka Indian village near Chiefland, Fla., in the Suwannee River back country. Verrill went there four years ago after a half century as explorer, naturalist, archaeologist, author and artist. He cleared two acres of wooded land, built his house, made much of the furniture and now lives there with his wife and a distant relative who helps Verrill decipher inscriptions they found in pre-Incan ruins. Author of a hundred books about his adventures and work, Verrill now tans leather and makes his own footwear, carries on scientific experiments with flowers and vegetables, is a taxidermist, upholsterer, wood and leather worker for his neighbors, and their consultant on forest lore and farming, known as “The Doctor”. His only worry is his grand-daughter Conchita Cintron, the only woman bullfighter, who risks her life in Mexican arenas.

9415-w-9/1/43 11:15a x-j wabc 118

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