Friday 18 November 2011

Verrill Talks of Color Photography

Verrill Talks of Color Photography

Special to the Post-Dispatch

St. Louis Post - Dispatch; Feb 18, 1902;

Yale professor thinks he has solved it practicably. Will keep process a secret.

At Present Invention Is Too Crude for Portraits, but Ultimate Perfection Is Expected.

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 18. - Prof. A. Hyatt Verrill's now discovery in color photography will, he believes, when perfected, revolutionize photography. He hopes in a short time to perfect it so it can be used in reproducing the natural flesh tints and the color of the eyes and hair.

"I have worked five years to accomplish this," said Prof. Verrill to a Post-Dispatch reporter today. "The first result of my labor was the production by photo-chemical process of pictures in two colors. Since then I have succeeded in reproducing all the colors, with the exception of bright red, and this I hope to accomplish soon.

"Heretofore the best thing that has been produced in colors is the three-color, half-tone. This is a mechanical process, and, in it the colors are bound to be exaggerated. With my process the most delicate tints are faithfully reproduced by strictly chemical action and the blending of the shades is almost perfect.

"My process cannot be patented for the reason that much of it is already in common use. I intend, therefore, to keep it a secret.

"Like the three-color half-tone process, it requires the production of three photographic negatives from specially prepared plates. The negatives must be precisely alike in development, focus and other points. The exposure in most cases requires at present at least half an hour, so that for portraits it is not yet available, but I hope to materially reduce the time. For landscapes, on a still day, or for copying paintings or geological or other specimens, it is all that could be desired now.

"The process is all in the printing. Extra heavy paper is necessary to stand the strain of manipulation, which occupies about an hour, during which time the print is almost constantly immersed in solution. I have already kept some of the prints for as long as three months and I see no reason why they should not keep indefinitely. I feel sure that the pictures can be produced at a small cost."

In a short time Prof. Verrill will exhibit a set of his color photos. At present all that he has made are in possession of his father, Prof. A. E. Verrill of Yale and members of the Connecticut Academy of Science.

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