Monday 7 May 2012

Resource Pages

Resource Pages
The Life and Work of A. Hyatt Verrill (1871-1954) - 7 May, 2012

VerrillMaster List - The Main page is a contents listing for all of the online works of AHV; an evolving practise has been to make sure that the work remained online so that even if it was available elsewhere it got duplicated on Stillwoods.Blogspot.Com as well. Several stories about Verrill and his family are not documented in this list but are on the blog.
Bill Gowan prepared an excellent chronological list of Verrill's books, here. - Verrill was also an accomplished photographer and artist. He contributed hundreds of photos of Indians and South America to the Museum of the American Indian. He created paintings held by the Museum of Natural History and NMAI. His books and periodicals are often profusely illustrated, many by the author. Most of the digital images reside mixed within these folders (excuse the personal folders—this site is used for all of our photos). Most of the images are in here.

Portable Document Format(PDF) Archive - This document type was particularly difficult to store online when we began e-publishing Verrill's work. But we did locate this one site perfect for PDFs. Here you will find his last autobiography, correspondence with publisher, Dutton, and agent, Paget, etc. Many stories from Everyland, circ. 1912 are displayed here. (Again there are a number of our family PDFs.) and Stillwoods- Over time I found that it was easier to create a hard copy for proofing than to do it onscreen. Often our blog does not contain the graphics available in Verrill's books. Finally many of Verrill's books are no longer easily available to family and fans. As a result these are being reproduced and sold at this site.

Dropbox is a file sharing system and website. There are two spreadsheets that are used to track Verrill's publications. These files are downloadable, but can only be edited by Doug Frizzle, the originator of these files.
All.xls lists all of the original publication of Verrill's books. The link,
 leads to the spreadsheet which columns include:
Title         Year     f/nf       bk/mag             Publisher          own?    web      My Web          Comment
Notes: at one time All.xls was intended to accommodate both books and magazine articles, thus column bk/mag; own? is intended for quick reference by the originator. The hyperlinks should go directly to the publications. is a second spreadsheet (read only). This file provides a sortable and fairly comprehensive filing of all of Verrill's 'other' publications. Links are incorporated so the user can go directly to the stories and some information about subsequent republication in paper format is available. (The Stillwoods publications are provided for paper access to Verrill's work. In many cases they are superior to the web based work (proofread and graphics added).
Note that this file includes some 'about Verrill' articles and may have one or two where the author is not AHV but his wife or daughter.
Subsequent tabs track publications that have never been located/digitized and manuscripts known and rumoured to exist.

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