Friday 23 May 2014

Victor Norwood

Drums Along the Amazon
Victor G. C. Norwood
Jacket design by e. b. mudge Marriott
18/- net
 Jacket notes for this book./drf
Drums Along the Amazon takes the reader into the strange far-off lands that border South America’s mighty Amazon. Into this alien world came the author and his colleagues seeking gold and precious stones. These tough, intrepid and colourful characters endured extreme hardship, disease and loneliness as well as constant danger from wild animals, snakes and the savage primitive tribes who struck silently and then slipped back into the trackless jungle.
This authentic account of life among the forbidding tropical forests and of contact with the fierce tribes in the “Green Hell” of the Matto Grosso makes absorbing and exciting read­ing for the countless readers who enjoy tales of true adventure.

Victor G. C. Norwood has not yet realized his ambition of travelling across Africa in an amphibious vehicle taking photographs on the journey. He has, however, crammed into his 42 years a great deal of action and adventure. Happily married with two sons aged 22 and 7, Mr. Norwood has travelled extensively in Africa, America and Europe and spent many years diamond prospecting in British Guiana and Brazil.
He was a former heavyweight boxing and wrestling champion until he lost two fingers in a skirmish with Brazilian revolutionaries. During the last war he served in the Merchant Navy as Q.M. Machine Gunner until he received severe injuries due to enemy action. Despite his constant search for adventure in remote places, Victor Norwood had two years’ operatic voice training and has sung in all parts of the world and has appeared at numerous charity performances. He lives at present in North Lincolnshire.

Victor Norwood
(Victor George Charles Norwood)
UK (1920 - 1983) California

aka Coy Banton, Sane V Baxter, Jim Bowie, Clay Brand, Victor Brand, Ella Howard Bryan, Paul Clevinger, Walt Cody, Shayne Colter, Wes Corteen, Clint Dangerfield, Johnny Dark, Vince Destry, Doone Fargo, Mark Fenton, Wade Fisher, G Gearing-Thomas, Mark Hampton, Hank Janson, Nat Karta, Whip McCord, Brett Rand, Brad Regan, Shane Russell, Rhondo Shane, Victor Shane, Jim Tressidy

Raw Deal for Dames (1952) (as by Mark Hampton)
Cry of the Beast (1953)
Gun Trail to Glory (1954)
Vision Sinister (1954) (as by Nat Karta)
Man Alone! (1956)
Hell's Wenches (1963)
The Hellbender (1963)
Hard Hombre (1964) (as by Jim Tressidy)
Ranger Gun-Law (1964) (as by Wade Fisher)
Journey of Fear (1965)
Lawman's Code (1965)
Blood On the Sage (1966) (as by Coy Banton)
Death Valley (1966) (as by Doone Fargo)
Gun Chore (1966) (as by Wes Corteen)
Gunsmoke Justice (1966)
Halfway to Hell (1966) (as by Clint Dangerfield)
Hellfire Range (1966) (as by Whip McCord)
Powdersmoke (1966) (as by Clay Brand)
Code of the Lawless (1967) (as by Brett Rand)
The Gun Hellion (1967) (as by Rhondo Shane)
Lattimer's Last Ride (1967) (as by Clay Brand)
The Long Haul (1967)
Valley of the Damned (1968)
Hell Town (1970)
A Badge and a Gun (1975)
A Hand Full of Diamonds

Non fiction
A Hand Full of Diamonds (1960)
Drums Along the Amazon (1964)
Jungle Life in Guiana (1964)

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