Sunday 3 May 2015

Where God’s great gift was sent to men

Where God’s great gift was sent to men.

'T was many, many years ago
A babe was born midst skies aglow
And from the heaven’s angelic throng
Proclaimed His birth with holy song
And in the fields the shepherds lay
Until they heard the angel say
"Fear not, great tidings, I bring this morn
For unto you a saviour's born."

And in the manger, the baby lay
Upon a humble bed of hay
And from the East the wise men came
To worship His most holy name.
For they had seen His star by night
And followed its abiding light
Until they came to Bethlehem
Where God’s great gift was sent to men.

For Christ was come that He might die
To save the world from sin and lies
He gave His life on Calvary
That some day we may be set free
So let us all with one accord
Fall down and worship our dear Lord
Whose precious love for you and me
Will warm our hearts eternally.

(An original song from about 1993 by Katie den Admirant.)
I just found this song in my papers and I thought I should share it. Katie has not been well for a number of years./drf

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