Thursday 3 March 2016

About some Luke Allan books

Here are some descriptions of 'Luke Allan' books from descriptions in 'The Ghost Murder'.

The Ghost Murder. (1937)

In his new role of thriller-writer, Luke Allan threatens to eclipse the Luke Allan of ‘Western’ fame. Blue PeteHalf-Breed, The Blue Wolf and The Lone Trail are cow­boy stories which remain evergreen in the public memory, but The Man on the Twenty-Fourth Floor, which appeared last season, and The Ghost Murder are thrillers that must steal much of the thunder of his earlier successes.
The Ghost Murder tells how a bogus in­vitation sent eleven ill-assorted people to a gloomy house on a desolate island: how murder was committed, and how any one of those present might well have struck the death blow.
It is an excellent thriller in which the element of mystery is admirably sustained.

By the Same Author
On the twenty-fourth floor of the Transit Building the man with the limp lived in mysterious seclusion. The great modern city which slept nightly at his feet knew nothing of this man or of the power he wielded. His was a desperate game—deep and mysterious—but what was it?
Gloucester Citizen: From the first page one is con­scious of an atmosphere of suspense and mystery which holds good throughout the book. ... A first class thriller.” 7s. 6d. net
“Hall” Ridout comes into some money, and he and Milly Boyle leave America and take a villa in Mallorca. Later they move to San Semola, where they meet Virginia Crossen and Standish Burnham—and trouble.
Yorkshire Observer: “A dramatic and absorbing love story.” 2s. 6d. net
Claude Maughan, an Englishman, finding his late uncle has been swindled in a Canadian land deal, sets out to punish the land agent, Daniel Corfield. As soon as he arrives at Medicine Hat, he gets involved in the intricacies of Canadian life, and his adventures begin. A fine, stirring yarn. 2s. 6d. net
A story of the great North-West, which grips the interest and thrills the reader until the last page, when the terri­fying howl of the Blue Wolf is stilled. 1s. 0d. net
Another novel of the great North-West. In this story Luke Allan gives us the delightful little tenderfoot journal­ist, Morton Standford, who blunders into a drama full of thrills and incident. 2s. 6d. net
The story of Blue Pete and his favourite horse, Whiskers, of the rustlers, the quick-shooting cowboys and the Royal North-West Mounted Police, is full of thrills and hair­breadth escapes. 2s. 6d. net
Blue Pete, half-breed, cowboy-rustler-detective, did not die after all. On the contrary, he lived to enjoy many thrilling adventures with his little horse, Whiskers. 2s. 6d. net
Blue Pete is a fascinating character: you never know what he is going to do next. As a detective he was the terror of all wrong-doers, and there wasn’t much that he would miss with a revolver. A book of breathless excite­ment and adventure. 2s. 6d. net

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