Sunday 15 May 2016

Lacey in Florida Again 1933

From the St. Petersburg Times, 31 October 1933. Google News

St Petersburg has cast its spell over Lacey Amy, Canadian author, who, with Mrs. Amy, has returned for a third season and again is a guest at the Royal Palm hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Amy have traveled all over the world and, until they came here, had never spent a second winter in one place. “Discovering” the Sunshine City, however, they have broken this rule and, judging by their enthusiasm, probably will continue doing so for many years to come.
Amy is one of the most successful of the Canadian authors and not only has his books published in Canada and England but also In Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, Sweden, Holland and Denmark. He wrote three books last year, one of which, "The Traitor," was located at Maximo point. His latest book, “The Murder at the Club,” has been out only a few weeks.

Amy said upon his return to St Petersburg from Toronto and Coburne, Ontario, Can., where he and Mrs. Amy have been spending the summer, that in Canada everyone is regarding the N. R. A. with interest. It is not understood completely, he said, and if prices are raised on all commodities will have a bad effect on the Canadian people in spite of the more fair rate of exchange that has been established. Many Canadians are anticipating a winter holiday in Florida, but their intentions will be changed, he observed, if they hear that rates, the price of meals and commodities have been increased considerably.

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