Wednesday 29 June 2016

News Search on Lacey Amy

News Search on Lacey Amy
This is a site that I had never discovered until today. Google News is a computer-generated news service that aggregates headlines from more than 50,000 news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together, and displays them according to each reader's interests./drf

Lacey Amy works till 5

Lacey Amy, author of innumerable thrillers under the pseudonym of Luke Allen, who is wintering and writing at the Royal Palm hotel, has a working schedule that explains his ability to turn out two and sometimes three novels a year.
To begin with, Amy is a firm believer in treating writing as regular office job and, as such, working regular office hours.
“I think all this business of writing only when you are inspired or in the mood for it, kills more embryonic writers (which is probably a good thing, he parenthesized with one of his quick smiles) than any other one thing about the trade.” He said: “You’ve got to work steadily between prescribed hours, even If you don’t want to and can think of nothing to write about. In that way you keep your mind facile and able to concentrate at will so that when an idea comes, it will not be lost while you painstakingly muster all your lax creative ability to carry it out.”
In accordance with his theory, Amy sits down at his desk from 10 until 1, takes an hour off for lunch, is back at work again at 2 and calls it a day at 5. It usually takes him about three months to complete a novel, varying one way or another according to the length.
Amy doesn’t make cut and dried plots, he finds that he can work better if he just has a general idea and lets the story and the characters more or less write themselves. The most trivial of things suggests ideas to him, as for instance, the story he tells of how “Traitor,” his novel laid in Florida, came to be written.
“I was driving out by Maximo point one day.” Amy said, “when over the tops of the trees I saw an isolated cupola sticking up. It was a startling sight, because the jungle around was so dense and deserted and right then and there I visioned a story built around the cupola—the result was “The Traitor.”
Amy thinks all courses in short story or novel writing are valueless. He added that, in his estimation, a newspaper office is the best training in the world for anyone who wishes to write.
With Mrs. Amy he plans to stay In St. Petersburg indefinitely—at least until he finishes the final draft of the story upon which he is working at present.

Lacey Amy, noted Canadian writer whose books have been translated into many languages, has returned with Mrs. Amy for another season in St. Petersburg and is living again at the Royal Palm hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Amy spent the summer in their northern home at Toronto.
Amy’s most recent book, written in St. Petersburg while he was here last winter, is “The Case of the Open Drawer.” It is a mystery story, as are his others, and has been received with much acclaim.

The Toronto World - Nov 4. 1916
How Uncle Sam runs an election.
Side lights on THE HIGH COST OF FOOD.
Reducing the enemy’s strength.
Women of Mesopotamia.
A personal talk with Paderewski.
Letter from London by Lacey Amy.

This is one interesting little town to look up! Some of the homes lay in both Canada and the USA!/drf as,_Quebec

One of the Most Awe Inspiring Spectacles In Nature.

From The Stanstead Journal, dated 1915, September 1915.
There is nothing in nature so imposing and awe inspiring as the iceberg, writes Lacey Amy in the Wide World Magazine. It gives an overpowering sense of relentless force, of dignity and of brilliance.
Beneath the sun’s vivid rays or the dark clouds of threatening storm, in the moon’s cold beams or dimly through the shadows of moonless night, in calm and tempest—every one of them, from the tiny “growler” to the huge mass of spurs, rouses at first glimpse an awe undiminished by a growing appreciation of its beauty.
Always before one is the thought that but an eighth of the iceberg’s bulk shows above the water, the remiader stretching down and down into the blue-green depths and out and out until captains breathe freely only when the horizon is clear of them. Far out in the ocean, with the largest steamers passing swiftly miles inside, they ground upon the bottom in tremendous depths and calmly await the relieving touch of sun and current.

In the wildest seas and strongest gales these frigid mountains float undisturbed. There could be no seasickness on an iceberg, for its foundations are fathoms below the wave disturbance.

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