Monday 25 March 2013

Magazines etc. with Verrill

Published Stories and Articles by Hyatt Verrill              
Title Year Month Parts Magazine Type DigitalAvail Repub?
The Living Death 1922 Aug 1 Action Stories Magazine ss    
The Honest Buccaneer 1951 Jan 1 Adventure pm Honest Buccaneer VOS
Chips from the Whaleships’ Logs 1951 May 1 Adventure ar Chips Wr
Short Autobiography 1951 May 1 Adventure letter Auto VOS
Through the Crater's Rim 1926 Dec 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Through S1
Beyond the Pole  1926 Oct Nov 2 Amazing Stories Magazine na Beyond S2
Plague of the Living Dead, The 1927 Apr 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Yes S2
Ultra-Elixer of Youth, The 1927 Aug 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Ultra-elixir-of-youth S2
Man who could Vanish, The 1927 Jan 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Vanish S2
Voice from the Inner World, A 1927 Jul 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Inner World S2
Astounding Discoveries of Doctor Mentiroso, The    1927 Nov 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Astounding Discoveries S1
Psychological Solution, The 1928 Jan 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Psychological Solution S2
Vampires of the Desert 1929 Dec 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Vampires of the Desrt S3
Into the Green Prism  1929 Mar Apr 2 Amazing Stories Magazine n Into-green-prism S1
Death From the Skies 1929 Oct 1 Amazing Stories Magazine na Death S3
Feathered Detective, The 1930 Apr 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Feathered Detective S4
Beyond the Green Prism  1930 Jan Feb 2 Amazing Stories Magazine na Beyond S1
Visit to Suari, A 1930 Jul 1 Amazing Stories Magazine nv Visit to Sauri S4
Non-Gravitational Vortex, The    1930 Jun 1 Amazing Stories Magazine na Non-Gravitational S4
Exterminator, The 1931 Feb 1 Amazing Stories Magazine ss The Exterminator S4
Treasure of the Golden God, The 1933 Jan Feb 2 Amazing Stories Magazine n Treasure-of-golden-god S4
Death Drum      1933 May 1 Amazing Stories Magazine na Death Drum S4
Through the Andes 1934 Sep Oct Nov 3 Amazing Stories Magazine n Through the Andes S5
Inner World, The 1935 Jun Jul Aug 3 Amazing Stories Magazine na The Inner World S5
Bridge of Light 1929 Fall 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly na BoL BoL+
King of the Monkey Men 1928 Spr 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly Vol 1 No 2 na King of the Monkey Men S2
World of the Giant Ants, The 1928 Fall 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly Vol 1 No 4 n World of the Giant Ants S3
Dirigibles of Death 1930 Win 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly Vol 3 No 1 nv Dirigibles of Death S1
Monsters of the Ray 1930 Sum 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly Vol 3 No 3 na Images not inserted S4
When the Moon Ran Wild 1931 Win 1 Amazing Stories Quarterly Vol 4 No 1 nv When the Moon Ran Wide S5
Notes on the Autochrome Process 1902 Jul 1 American Amateur Photographer ar Notes on Autochrome  
Verrill Criticsm 1928   1 American Anthropologist nf Verrill Criticsm 1928  
The Story of Chocolate 1908 Dec 1 American Boy ar    
Popular Science Department 1909 Jul 1 American Boy cl cvr jpg  
The Most Historical Spot in America 1910 Feb 1 American Boy ar The Most Historical Spot in America  
A Boys Museum 1910 May n American Boy cl Boy's Museum, Part 4 Pt 1
Useful Hints for Outdoor Boys Pt 3 How to Find Dirction and Distance 1911 Mar 1 American Boy cl    
UHOB 4 How to Make and Use Bows and Arrows 1911 Apr 1 American Boy cl How to Make and Use Bows and Arrows  
UHOB5, First Aid to the Injured, PSD Nature Puzzles and Their Answers 1911 May 2 American Boy cl as PDF  
Comets, Meteors and Shooting Stars 1912 Jan 1 American Boy ar Comets, Meteors and Shooting Wr
Squirrels and their Kin 1913 May 1 American Boy ar    
The Care of Pet Rabbits 1913 Jul 1 American Boy ar    
??? 1913 Oct 1 American Boy ar    
Mastering the Motorcar 1916 Apr 1 American Boy nf Mastering the Motorcar Wr
Learning to Drive the Motor Car 1916 May 1 American Boy nf Drive Motorcar  
Bimshaw, the Pirate  1918   6 American Boy 1918 - 1919 sl Verrill Images\BimshawInitialSerial.jpg VOS
Various  1908-1916   n American Boy, the 1916, serial??? sl?    
Avifauna Additions Bermuda 1901 July 1 American Journal of Science nf Avifauna of Bermuda  
Descriptions...Goliath Beetles… 1906 Apr 1 American Journal of Science nf Goliath Beetles  
Notes on Solenodon paradoxus 1907 Jun 1 American Journal of Science nf Notes on Solenodon paradoxus  
Hercules Beetle from Dominica… 1907 Oct 1 American Journal of Science nf Hercules Beetle from Dominica  
He Cured a Savage's Stomach-ache and Became a Cannibal Chief 1931 Apr 1 The American Magazine about He Cured  
Mummy Mining in Peru 1930 Apr 1 Art and Archaeology nf Mummy Mining in Peru  
Science Fiction in 3-D (column w contents abt AHV) 1955 Mar 1 Astounding Science Fiction nf An Obituary for A. Hyatt Verrill  
Death Dealers of the Guiana Jungles 1923 Mar 2 The Atlanta Constitution nf Death Dealers  
About Verrill on the Birds of Dominica 1894 Jul 1 The Auk nf About Verrill Birds Dominica  
Boorabbees and buccaneers 1928 Nov 1 Blackwood's Magazine, 1928, no. 1357 nf    
His Vain Search for Adventure 1930 24-Aug 1 Boston Globe Sunday nf His Vain Search for Adventure  
One Shell Builds a Raft to Live Upon 1936 Nov 1 Boston Globe Daily nf One Shell Builds a Raft to Live Upon  
Ants Have Beauty Doctors 1937 11-Apr 1 Boston Globe Daily nf Ants Have Beauty Doctors  
Trees are Universal Providers 1940 Jan 1 British World Digest ar digital cover  
Fish That Walk and Fly 1931 Jan 1 Child Life magazine - January 1931 art    
Peru's President a Benevolent Dictator 1929 Nov 1 Christian Science Monitor nf Peru's President  
Animals, of which there are numbers on sand and rock 1937 30-Jun 1 Christian Science Monitor nf Animals Seashore  
The Ship of Death 1932 Win 1 Complete Underworld Novelettes ss    
Hidden Gold 1933 Sum   Complete Underworld Novelettes ss    
Mining for Inca Mummies 1967   1 Conquistadors Without Swords art mining_for_mummies  
Danger on the Half-shell 1945 Oct 1 CORONET Oct 1945 ar Danger on the Half-shell Wr
The Adobe House 1927 Oct 1 Country Life nf Adobe House  
Insect Fishermen 1899 Nov 1 Current Literature nf Insect Fishermen  
The People Who "Eat Alone" 1916 Dec 1 The Daily Chronicle (Georgetown) nf The People Who Eat Alone  
Peter, a Pet Woodchuck 1928   1 Dinty the Porcupine and Other Stories nf peter-pet-woodchuck  
The Wild West Show of Buffalo Bill 1953 Mar 1 Double Action Western cl Wild West Show  
Know Your Indians:Weapons, Moccasins, Headresses 1953 Nov 1 Double Action Western cl indians-weapons Wr
Know Your Indians: The Cheyennes 1953 Sep 1 Double Action Western cl Cheyennes.html Wr
Know Your Indians:Religions, Beliefs, Ceremonials 1954 Mar 1 Double Action Western cl Indians-Religions Wr
Know Your Indians: The Sioux 1953 Jul 1 Double Action Western July 1953 cl The Sioux Wr
Know Your Indians 1954     Double Action Western 1953 1954 cl    
Dutton/Verrill/Paget Correspondence 1916 1920 4 Dutton Archival Sources letters PDFs  
content may exist for this single missing issue, buy to complete collection. 1914 Dec   Everyland      
How the Fog Came 1915 Mar   Everyland ss How the Fog Came  
Why the Crow is Black and the Loon Speckled 1915 Jun   Everyland ss Why the Crow is Black and the Loon Speckled  
How the Reindeer Lost their Tails 1915 Sep   Everyland ss How the Reindeer Lost their Tails  
The Bird That Shaves (ENC) 1915 Dec 1 Everyland nf The Bird That Shaves  
A Whaler's Christmas and Another 1915 Dec 1 Everyland nf A Whaler's Christmas  
Beche, the Carib Boy 1916 Jan 1 Everyland nf Beche, the Carib Boy  
The Diving Boys of the Caribbees 1916 Feb 1 Everyland nf Diving Boys of the Caribbees  
Beche, the Carib Boy Part 2 1916 Mar 1 Everyland nf Beche's Fishing  
Fish that Walk and Fly 1916 Mar 1 Everyland nf Fish that Walk and Fly  
Three Funny Birds 1916 Apr 1 Everyland nf Three Funny Birds  
Insect Ogres 1916 May 1 Everyland nf Insect Ogres  
The Gull That Ate The Whale  1916 Jun 1 Everyland ss The Gull That Ate The Whale  
My Funny Pets 1916 Jul 1 Everyland nf My Funny Pets  
Insects That Build Submarines 1916 Aug 1 Everyland nf Insects that Build Submarines  
Beche and the Stranger 1916 Sep 1 Everyland nf Beche and the Stranger  
Some Very Strange Plants 1916 Sep 1 Everyland nf Beche + Strange Plants  
How Fish Sleep 1916 Oct 1 Everyland nf How Fish Sleep  
Some Ants And Their Ways 1916 Nov 1 Everyland nf Some Ants and their Ways  
Some Funny Cobwebs 1916 Dec 1 Everyland nf Some Funny Cobwebs  
The Story of Chocolate 1917 Jan 1 Everyland nf The Story of Chocolate  
The Story of Rubber 1917 Feb 1 Everyland nf The Story of Rubber  
The Food made from Poison 1917 Mar 1 Everyland nf The Food made from Poison  
Toto the Toucan 1917 May 1 Everyland nf Toto the Toucan  
The Carib Story of the Flood 1917 Aug 1 Everyland nf Carib Story of the Flood  
The Story of Sugar 1918 Oct 1 Everyland nf The Story of Sugar  
Lola's and Valerie's Pets 1918 Nov 1 Everyland nf Lola's and Valerie's Pets  
The Story of the first Carib 1919 April 1 Everyland nf The Story of the First Carib  
Our Erroneous Ideas Of The Indian 1953 Apr 1 Famous Western cl Erroneous BoL+
What We Owe the Indian 1953 June 1 Famous Western ar    
Mummy of Ret-Seh, The 1939 May 1 Fantastic Adventures May 1939 ss Mummy of Ret-Seh VOS
Coconuts and Cannibals 1931 Dec   Far East Adventure Stories ss    
The Communism of the Incas 1932 Oct 1 Forthnightly Review ar Communism of the Incas  
The Art of Photographing Birds 1901 Sep 1 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly ar The Art of Photographing Birds  
The Cicada 1902 Feb 1 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly ar Cicada Wr
Wings and Feathers (Four Stories) 1940     Frontiers Old And New  magazine 1940 nf Wings and Feathers  
My boat trip through the Guiana wilderness  1917 Jan 1 Harpers Monthly, Jan. 1917 nf My Boat Trip Through Guiana Wr
Proud Merchant Ships of Connecticut 1935 03-Nov 1 Hartford Courant nf Proud Merchant Ships  
Connecticut Men Who Sailed 1936 05-Jan 1 Hartford Courant nf Connecticut Men Who Sailed  
Kenaima 1922 Nov 1 Hutchinson's Adventure ss Kenaima  
In the Seas of the Dead Man's Chest 1923   1 Illustrated London News ar Review In the Wake of Buccaneers  
Mystery of the Vanished Past in Panama 1927 13-Oct 1 Illustrated London News nf    
Treasures of Antiquity from South America 1930 15-Feb 1 Illustrated London News nf    
Inestimable Stones, Unvalued Jewels 1930   1 Illustrated London News ar Inestimable Stones, Unvalued Jewels  
Darien Ethnology 1924 Oct 1 Indian Notes nf 1924  
Sabanero-Guaymi Trip 1925 July 1 Indian Notes nf Sabanero-Guaymi  
Indians of Surinam 1925 Oct 1 Indian Notes nf Indian Notes 1925  
Excavations in Cocle Province, Panama 1927 Jan 1 Indian Notes nf Indian Notes 1927  
Various  1952     Indian Time nf    
Illustrations of the Larvae of five Dominican Springidae 1907 Nov 1 Journal New York Entomological Society nf Illustrations of Larvae  
Legend of the Crossbill, The 1899   1 Little Folks Illustrated Annual (book) nf Legend of the Crossbill  
Jaunt Through Central Chile 1925 Feb 7 Volume 324 1 Living Age nf series is on eBay nov 2009. I have requested a scan…  
White War Chief 1954   1 Maine Historical Society manuscript nv White War Chief PDF  
Hunting the White Indians 1924 Jul 1 McClure's Magazine nf Hunting-white-Indians  
Indian Tribes of Panama 1954   1 NMAI Archives manuscript nf    
Report on Indians and Bush Negroes of Suriname     1 NMAI Archives manuscript nf    
Was Not an Elopement 1892 25-Jan 1 New Haven Register about Was Not an Elopement  
The Oldest City in the World 1932 31-Jul 1 NY Herald Tribune nf Oldest City World  
More Information about the Djukas (Indians) 1927 11-Sep 1 NY Times letter More Information about Djukas  
Finds Dark Indians in Isolated Tribe 1928 06-Mar 1 NY Times ar Finds Dark Indians  
Panama and Nicaragua not the only routes for canal 1928 08-Apr 1 NY Times letter Panama and Nicaragua  
Bearding the Bearded Indian in his Den 1928 22-Apr 1 NY Times nf Bearding the Bearded  
NY Times Solenodon Letter to Ed 1936 04-Jan 1 NY Times nf NY Times Solenodon  
A. Hyatt Verrill Dies in Chiefland 1954 16-Nov 1 NY Times about AHV Dies  
Pepe's Bull Fight 1923 Dec 1 Open Road for Boys ss    
Incas' Treasure House 1931   5? Open Road for Boys Vol XIV # 3 (Mar 1932)  Oct,Nov1931,Jan,Feb,Mar,1932 n Incas Wr
Hunting the Sacred Bird of the Aztecs 1908 June 1 Outing nf Hunting Quetzal  
Day's Sport in Costa Rica, A 1896 Dec 1 Outing, December, 1896, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, p. 264-266. (pdf)   PDF w Graphics  
Musk-Ox Hunting Among the Iwilics 1901 May 1 Outing, May, 1901, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2, p. 158-163, 122. (pdf) nf PDF by others   
Some Lands of Opportunity 1917 Jan 1 Pan-Am Magazine nf Some Lands of Opportunity  
Verrill’s Autochromatic Process 1902 May 1 The Photographic Times - Bulletin ar Verrill’s Autochromatic Process  
Photographing the Human Voice by Radio 1923 Apr 1 The Photographic Journal of America ar Photographing the Human Voice  
With Bare Hands 1935 Jul 1 Pirate Stories ss With Bare Hands  
Vegetable Life of the Tropics 1898 Aug 2 Popular Science Magazine ar Vegetable Life of the Tropics  
Strange Birds and their Habits 1898 Dec 1 Popular Science Magazine ar Strange Birds and their Habits  
The Katydid and Its Relatives 1898 Dec 1 Popular Science Magazine nf The Katydid and Its Relatives  
Around the Arc Light 1899 Feb 1 Popular Science Magazine ar Around the Arc Light  
Cobs and Cobwebs 1899 Jun 1 Popular Science Magazine ar Cobs and Cobwebs  
Our North-Eastern Turtles 1899 Jul 1 Popular Science Magazine ar Our North-Eastern Turtles  
Eastern Frogs and Toads 1899 Oct 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Eastern Frogs and Toads  
Remarkable Habits of Ants 1900 Jul 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Remarkable Habits of Ants  
Queer Fish 1900 Nov 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Queer Fish  
Corals 1901 Mar 1 Popular Science Magazine ar Corals  
Naked Molluscs of the Sea 1901 Aug 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Naked Molluscs  
Devil Fishes and their Kin 1901 Nov 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Devil Fishes  
The Birth of a Cicada 1901 Dec 1 Popular Science Magazine nf Birth of a Cicada  
Notes on a Well-Known Songster 1902 Nov 1 Popular Science News ar Notes on a Well-Known Songster  
A Socialist Pirate 1927   1 Plain Talk Vol 1 Num 1 ar A Socialist Pirate Wr
Notes on the Birds of San Domingo 1909 Jun 1 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia nf Notes on Birds of San Domingo  
The Real West 1954 Feb   Real Western Stories Feb 1954 cl    
Suwannee Treasure Hunt 1945 02-Jun 1 Saturday Evening Post nf Suwannee Treasure Hunt  
Heads You Lose 1950 04-Nov 1 Saturday Evening Post nf Heads You Lose  
Mansions of Mud 1929 Dec 1 Science and Invention ar Mansions Mud  
Side-lights on Perfumes 1941 Apr 1 Science Digest ar    
Surprising Facts about the Savages 1946 Jan 1 Science Digest ar    
Monsters of Modern Times 1948 Feb 1 Science Digest ar    
Built of mud 1930 Aug 1 Scientific American ar Built of Mud  
Americas first International highway 1930 Jul 1 Scientific American ar    
Who are the mysterious bearded Indians? 1928 Jun Jul 2 Scientific American 1928 Jun Jul nf w photos Who are***in 2 parts  
The Mecca of Ancient America 1931 Mar 1 Scientific American nf Mecca of Ancient America  
Motoring Through Porto Rico 1916 Feb 1 Scribner's Magazine ar Motoring  
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them 1923 Apr 1 Sea Stories ss Little Child VOS
I’ll Learn ’Em  1923 Sep 1 Sea Stories ss I'll Learn 'em VOS
Fightin’ Bill’s Greatest Battle 1924 Aug   Sea Stories ss Fightin VOS
Phantom Radio, The 1924 Jun   Sea Stories ss Phantom Radio VOS
Red Peter 1927   5 Sea Stories Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1927 nv All 5 on Web RP+
Mutiny of the “Athol”, The 1924 05/Jan 1 Sea Stories Magazine v 7 #5, January 5 ss mutiny-of-athol VOS
Chip’s Ghost  1924 20/Jan 1 Sea Stories Magazine v 7 #6 Jan 20 1924 ss Chips Ghost VOS
Yo! Ho! And a Bottle of Rum  1926 Dec 1 Sea Stories Magazine v13 #4, Dec 1926 ss Yo Ho Rum VOS
Jury Rig  1923 Jul 1 Sea Stories Magazine v5 #5 Jul 5 1923 ss Jury Rig VOS
Out of the Fog  1923 Oct 1 Sea Stories Magazine v6 #6 Oct 20, 1923 nv Out of the Fog VOS
Hand of Fate, The 1923 Dec 1 Sea Stories Magazine v7 #3, Dec 5 1923 nvt Hand of Fate RP+
First Shall Be Last, The 1925 Mar   Sea Stories Mar 1925 ss First Shall VOS
Bless the Mules 1928 Mar   Sea Stories Mar 1928 ss Bless the Mules RP+
Full and By 1927 Oct   Sea Stories Oct 1927 pm Full and By VOS
Pearls Beyond Price 1927 Nov 1 Secret Service Stories f    
The Syndicate of  Terror 1928 Jan 1 Secret Service Stories f    
Trailing the Gun Runners  1928 Aug Sep 2 Secret Service Stories sl TrailingGunRunners 2  
Little Lord Fauntleroy and the Proffessor 2010 May 1 Southwoods about Little Lord  
Revisions to Mollusca of Atlantic 1898   1 Smithsonian Institute drawings Mollusca  
Quichua Song and Verse 1952   1 Smoke Signals nf Quichua Song and Verse  
Some Common Bees 1897 Aug 1 St. Nicholas Magazine nf Yes pdf? Wr
Brownies of the Insect World 1897 Jul 1 St. Nicholas Magazine nf yes, PDF on website  
City in a Volcano, A 1897 Jun 1 St. Nicholas Magazine nf YeswGraphics  
Hunting with a Camera 1900   1 St. Nicholas Magazine nf Hunting with Camera Wr
A Tree That Grows While You Wait 1915 Oct 1 St. Nicholas Magazine nf Tree That Grows  
Flying Head, The 1939 Jun 1 Strange Stories ss FlyingHead VOS
Ghostly Vengeance, The 1939 Oct 1 Strange Stories ss The Ghostly Vengeance  
Ancient American Mysteries in Gold 1932 21-Aug 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Ancient American Mysteries  
Where the Wife is Boss, Admttedly 1932 28-Aug 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Where the Wife  
The Lost Treasures of the Incas 1932 20-Nov 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Lost Treasures of the Incas  
Fishing for Gold on the Ocean's Floor 1933 01-Jan 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Fishing for Gold  
Prehistoric Miss Americas 1933 22-Jan 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Prehistoric Miss Americas  
Seeking a Sunken Galleon's Gold 1933 30-Jul 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf Seeking a Galleon's Gold  
England's Buried Treasures 1933 26-Nov 1 The Sun (Baltimore) nf England's Buried Treasures  
The Inner World * 1939 Spr 1 Tales of Wonder   Inner World yes
Toning Velox and Bromide Papers During Development 1901 May 1 The Camera nf    
The Tribal Relationship of the Akawoias 1917 June 1 Timehri nf Relationship of the Akawoias  
Glimpses of the Guiana Wilderness 1918   1 Timehri nf Glimpses BoL+
Prehistoric Mounds and Relics of…B.G 1918   1 Timehri nf Prehistoric Mounds BoL+
Remarkable Mound Discovered in B.G. 1918   1 Timehri nf Remarkable Mound BoL+
Where East Meets West 1916 Feb 1 Travel magazine nf Where East Meets West  
Into Unexplored Panama 1922 Oct 1 Travel magazine nf Into Unexplored Panama  
From the City of the Kings to the Temple of the Sun 1925 Jan 1 Travel magazine nf From City of Kings  
Social Contrasts in Peru's Capital 1925 Mar 1 Travel magazine nf Social Contrasts  
Little Brothers of the Chilenos 1925 Apr 1 Travel magazine nf Little Brothers  
The Strange Ways of the Chileans 1925 May 1 Travel magazine nf Strange Ways  
Coasting Down the long Fringe of Chile 1925 Jun 1 Travel magazine nf Coasting Chile  
Those Who Worshipped the Sun 1925 July 1 Travel magazine nf Those Who  
Rubbing Elbows with the Friendly Chilean 1925 Aug 1 Travel magazine nf Rubbing  
Under the Shadow of Ariquepa's Holy Mountain 1925 Sep 1 Travel magazine nf Under the Shadow  
My Lifetime of Adventure 1937 Apr 1 Montana Great Falls Tribune Newspaper comic/ad MyLifetimeOfAdventure  
Notes on the Fauna of the island of Dominica 1892   1 Trans. Conn. Acad., VIII pp.315-359 nf Notes Fauna Dominica  
Fifty-Two Degrees South 1928 Aug 2 Tropical Adventures magazine sl    
Caverns of Bermuda, The 1908 Apr 1 Tropical and Sub Tropical America nf Caverns-of-Bermuda  
America's tropical trees: The Palms 1908 May 1 Tropical and sub tropical America nf Palms  
The Master of the Bush  1933   1 True Tales of Pluck and Peril nf Master of the Bush  
The Phantom Wireless 1922 22-Jun 1 The Washington Post ss The Phantom Wireless yes
Origin of the Lowly Vegetable 1929 15-Sep 1 The Washington Post nf Origin of the Lowly Vegetable  
Looking for Adventure 1930 06-Jul 1 The Washington Post nf Looking for Adventure  
Mining for Mummies 1930 13-Jul 1 The Washington Post nf Mining for Mummies  
In Unknown British Guiana 1918 Sep,Oct,Nov 5 Wide World Magazine nf In Unknown Br Guiana3  
Among the Wild Tribes of the Darien 1919 Mar 1 Wide World Magazine nf Among Tribes Darien  
Seeking the Copper Mountain 1923 May 1 Wide World Magazine nf Seeking Copper Mountain BoL+
Among the Amazons 1926 June 1 Wide World Magazine nf Among the Amazons  
Pioneering Sage of the Suwannee 1943 Sept 1 Wide World Magazine art Pioneering Sage of the Suwannee  
The Lost Mine - Tisingal, in Panama 1952 Jun 2 Wide World Magazine June July nf The Lost Mine -Part1  
Verrill's Process for Producing Photographs in Colour 1902 01-Apr 1 Wilson's Photographic Magazine art Verrill Colour Photography  
Oswald   1939 Jun 1 World Horizons Magazine Jun 1939 nf Oswald Wr
Pompeii of Ancient America 1927 Jan 1 The World's Work nf Pompeii  
Fish, Mind Your Helm 1934 Feb 1 Yaching magazine Feb 1934 nf    
??? ??? ??? ? The Youth's Companion
The Sole Survivor 1924 09-Oct 1 The Youth's Companion ss The Sole Survivor  
??? 1928 1 The Underworld magazine
Red Legs, The Pirate 1919 1 unknown ss

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