From The News, Adelaide , SA; 14 October,1930 and
Digitized by Doug Frizzle , 26 November 2013.
A real live boa constrictor is not exactly the snake one would choose to play with. Yet little
Dorothy Verrill, the daughter of
Hyatt Verrill, explorer and adventurer, ran that risk one day in an endeavor to
scare her native maid. She took the
boa from its cage, and what happens
reads more like the fictional story of
a sensational novelist than an actual real. life adventure. Don't miss this
particular incident so graphically described in. this week's "World's
New," now on sale everywhere.
Teaches Young Lobsters To Dive
The Daily News, Perth , WA ;
14 September 1937.
THE sole duty of one employee at the government lobster hatchery at Noank , Connecticut ,
is to teach young lobsters to dive. It seems that vast numbers of baby lobsters
are eaten by the ir enemies before the y have learned to seek safety at the bottom .
At the hatchery, the youngsters are put on specially designed chutes
leading to the bottom of the
tank, and are thus taught to dive and stay down.—A. Hyatt Verrill, in
'Along New England Shores.'
Modern Day Superstition
From Kalgoorlie
Miner newspaper (Australia )
dated 11 February 1948.
Very probably, in many cases the
magic properties attributed to certain plants resulted from
the ancient widespread belief that various
trees and plants were the abodes of
spirits or supernatural beings, som e
of whom were believed to be fearsom e monsters or ogres who preyed, upon human beings.
To appease the se dangerous spirits
sacrifices and blood offerings were made, especially when a tree was felled or
cut. Among the Vikings and othe r races it was custom ary
to lash a prisoner to the ways when
a ship was to be launched, the
people believing that when the
vessel crushed the unfortunate
victim as it slid into the sea, his
blood would satisfy the demands of the spirits of the
trees from wreaking vengeance upon the ship's crew. This may seem like a most heathe nish and terrible custom ,
yet we still follow it in a less bloodthirsty manner by substituting a bottle
of wine for human blood when a ship is launched.—A. Hyatt
From Cairns Post newspaper, Saturday 29
August 1942 and
All the weeping
willows of Great Britain and
America owe the ir existence to a fragment of a basket used as a
container for figs sent from Smyrna to Lady Suffolk, in England , early in the 18th century. Alexander Pope, the satirical poet, who was present when the gift arrived, drew out one of the withe s
and remarked, "Perhaps this will produce som ething
we have not in England ."
He had it planted on the bank of the Thames at his
villa at Twickenham, where it sprouted and grew into a fine weeping willow
Years later, a young British officer, leaving for the American colonies, plucked a twig from Pope's willow, and carried it, wrapped in oiled
silk. throughout the Revolution. At the end of the
war he presented the twig to John
Parker Custis, son of Martha Washington. Planted on the .
Custis estate of Abingdon, in Virginia ,
the withe
took root and became the ancestor of
all weeping willows in the United
States.-A Hyatt Verrill, Wonder Plants and Plant Wonders
From Sunday Mail (Brisbane ) newspaper Queensland Australia, 10
June 1928.
In many parts of Northe rn
Brazil, Southe rn
Venezuela , and elsewhere the
Indians claim that the tapir is
warned of man's presence by the
trumpet bird or waracabra (writes Mr. Hyatt Verrill). Whethe r
or not the creatures have learned to
associate the bird's cries with danger
I cannot say, but as the trumpet birds
very frequently create a tremendous racket when the y
catch sight of a human being the re
is no reason why an animal so intelligent and wary as a tapir should not be
warned by the m, in parts of Central
America the natives believe that it
is the beautiful little sun bittern
who warns the tapirs of peril. Personally,
however, I have never heard a sun-bittern utter any note louder than a low hiss
or rattle. These birds do, however, frequent the
muddy wet jungles that the tapir
loves, and as the y have a peculiar
habit of flitting off like gigantic butterflies when anyone approaches it. is
neithe r impossible nor improbable
that the tapir profits by the signal.
From The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW) Saturday 7 May
"Snakes are among the
rarest of all jungle animals, although the
average person imagines that the y
swarm everywhere in the Tropics. At
times one may com e across a
fair-sized boa or anaconda, and in som e
localities the se big snakes are
fairly com mon. But the y never attain the
gigantic proportions so often reported, and are perfectly harmless, never
offering to attack a human being, and wishing only to be left alone to bask and
doze in the bright sunshine on
fallen trees or stones beside the
"As far as the
venom ous snakes are concerned, one
may find more poisonous snakes within a few miles of New York City than in many square miles of
untrodden jungle. Undoubtedly the serpents
are the re, but the y keep well out of sight and harm's reach, and rarely
indeed are the y seen except when
land is being cleared or burned and the y
are driven forth from the ir hiding places. Neithe r
do the y constitute any particular
hazard in jungle exploration, the
danger of being bitten by a poisonous snake in the
Tropics being far less than the
chances of being struck by a copperhead or a rattlesnake in South
Carolina or Pennsylvania .
"Everywhere in the
Tropics the natives go about
barefooted, and the nearly naked
Indians of the jungles never give a
thought to the danger of snakes.
Rarely are the y bitten, and in all
my forty years and more of jungle experience I have never been bitten by a
poisonous snake and have never had but one of my men bitten."
— From 'My
Jungle Trails,' by A. Hyatt Verrill
The Vine's Search for Support
From The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW) Saturday 14
September 1940.
A British scientist once carried on som e
very interesting experiments In an endeavor to determine whethe r or not plants possess any intelligence or reason.
In one case he planted a vine in a spot where the re .were no trees, shrubs, or othe r objects which would serve as supports. Then he
placed a pole at som e distance away.
Almost at once the
vine headed. for it. Before it reached the
pole he removed it and placed it the
same distance from the vine on the
opposite side. Without hesitation the
vine doubled back and started in the
new direction, heading for the pole
as if it possessed eyes.
Again and again the
location of the pole was changed,
and again and again the vine turned
towards it unerringly, says Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill In 'Wonder Plants and Plant
Wonders.' But the re was a limit to the plant's patience and perseverance.
After many futile attempts to reach the
elusive pole, the vine finally gave up:
and refused to be lured by the pole
even, when placed within a few feet of it. . Not until the
support was placed in the midst of the foliage did it show. any furthe r interest in it.
From The Brisbane
Courier (Qld.) Tuesday 1 January 1929
Are the bearded
Indians In the Interior of Bolivia
descendants of South Sea Islanders, who, in the
remote past, crossed the Pacific in
large canoes? This fascinating question is raised by Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill in an
article in a recent issue of the
"Scientific American." (June
"I have long held to the
opinion," he declares, "that the
Indians of Western South America were of Oceanian and not Asiatic origin, and I
am convinced that a furthe r study of
the bearded Indians will go far
towards proving this."
He describes the
Indians' beards as heavy, luxuriant, bushy, fine, soft, and slightly wavy, as is
the hair of the ir
heads. "In height," he adds, "the y
are well above the average forest
Indians of South America, and in colour the y
are darker and more of a brown than an ochre or red. They are an exceedingly
primitive race, wearing no garments whatever, having no knowledge of weaving or
spinning, and not even using the
bark cloth, which is almost universally used among othe r
"Their huts are scarcely- more than rude shelters of
brash and thatch; the y have no regular
villages and no chief; each collection of houses housing the
members of one family or of relatives, with the
head of the family acting as a local
chief. As far as I could ascertain, the y
have no marriage ceremonies and no true religion. They believe that practically
every object, animate or inanimate, is inhabited by a spirit, certain objects
and creatures possessing evil spirits, and othe rs
good spirits."
These Indians have the
curious burial custom of
disinterring the corpse after decom position, cleaning the
bones, and suspending the skeleton from a tree in a rude basket-work receptical.
Their dialect is low and guttural, spoken in a sing-song
monotone. Their vocabulary shows many fine striking resemblances to dialects of
the Pacific archipelagos, som e of the
words being almost identical and having precisely the
same meanings.
Pirates' loot waiting under the
From The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.) Saturday 5
August 1950 page 18(S)
THE latest treasure-seeking venture is the Duke of Argyle's attempt off the Isle of Mull.
Who hasn't dreamt of sailing to a South Seas Island
to dig up. brass-bound treasure chests full of gold doubloons, pieces of eight,
and sparkling gems? Stories of priceless loot buried by pirates or lying in the holds of sunken treasure ships have been told
for hundreds of years and every so often som eone
has a shot at trying to trace one hoard or anothe r.
Most tales of buried treasure are just tales. Naturally who
ever buried the ir
"savings" didn't want the m
to be found by anyone else, and all sorts of legends and "true"
accounts sprang up about the exact
location of the se hoards.
But in case you ever get the
chance to have a shot at finding real treasure, here's a quick guide to hidden
fortunes which . are most likely still to exist. Many of the se
facts are guaranteed by the famous
treasure-hunter, A. Hyatt Verrill, his book, "Lost Treasure"
(published in 1930). ^uuianea
Treasure buried by: Billy Bowlegs (pirate).
Where: Near Santa Rosa Sound, Gulf of
Mexico .
When: 1838.
Remarks: Com prises
gold and silver ore and coins. Estimated to be one of the
biggest hoards.
Treasure buried by: Captain John Quelch (pirate)
Where: Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire ,
When: 1704.
Remarks: Guarded by a ghost! Far smaller than Billy Bowlegs.
Consists of jewels, coins, and gold dust stolen from
Portuguese trading ships.
Treasure buried by: The Incas of South America.
Where: Near Piscobamba and Sorata, South
America .
When: 1533.
Remarks: This treasure was to be the
ransom paid for the release of Atahualpa, Inca King held captive by the Spaniards. When the
Spaniards murdered him, the treasure—on
its way to the Spaniards—was buried.
Amount: 500 tons of gold, diamonds, rubies, emeralds and othe r kinds of gems.
From Gippsland Times (Vic.) Thursday 18 July
Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill describes som e
very amusing experiences that befell him while collecting natural history specimens
in the interior of Costa Rica . On
one occasion he showed a little .22 rifle to a rancher, who scoffed at the miniature weapon, describing it as a new toy.
"You don't say?" I replied sarcastically. You
think it is only a toy? Look, the n."
With that I pointed to a number of hogs in the
portrero (pasture) about two hundred yards from
the house.
"May I shoot at those pigs?"
He laughed. "Of a truth, and welcom e," he assented.
Taking careful aim at the
largest of the hogs, I fired. My
host burst into a merry laugh. "Did I not say so?" he cried.
"Look you; the y are not even
"Not so fast," I cautioned him. "See you not
that one of the pigs is lying down?
Send a mozo to look, and you will find the
rifle is no toy."
Clapping his hands, he summoned a peon and sent him to have
a look at the swine. I shall never
forget his face when the peon
shouted back that the creature was
But I paid dearly for convincing my host that the rifle was more than a plaything. Pigs were
valuable, and the Senor was a
thrifty soul. That night we dined on roast pork; the
next morning we had pork for breakfast; at lunch and dinner the re was pork; and dried, smoked, pickled, and
corned pork formed the basis of
every meal day after day! At last we could stand it no longer. There appeared
to be no limit to the amount of meat
on that confounded hog, and making som e
flimsy excuse for leaving, we bade farewell to our host and his endless pork
and returned to Jimenez. In all my experience I think that was the most unfortunate shot I ever made!
Speak Elizabethan.
Indians in Central America .
From The World's News (Sydney, NSW) Saturday
16 January 1926
"When Indians of a tribe in Panama, addressing him in
pidgin English of the Elizabethan
period, invited him to "bestir thyself betimes," and used such
ejaculations as "gadzooks," "marry would I,"
"oddsbodkins," and "marry com e
up," Mr. A, Hyatt Verrill could hardly believe his ears, says the New York correspondent of the
"Daily Chronicle."
But he heard othe r
words, "forsooth." "yea," and "nay," and found
that, while the y conversed in this
fashion, the Indians among the mselves also spoke a native dialect which he had
far more difficulty in understanding.
That was a few months ago, on the
coast of Panama , near Bocas del Toro, but inland.
Mr. Verrill, who is a collector for .the
museum of the American Indian Heye
Foundation, in New York, and the refore
should not be suspected of telling travellers' tales, learned that the Indians were descendants Bartholom ew Sharp and his 350 buccaneers, who, sailing to
Panama in 1680 in The Most Blessed Trinity, marooned the
Spanish settlers in the region, and
founded the town of Olbank, which
exists to this day.
Such names as Coxon, Sawkins and Ringrose, who were
lieutenants of Sharp, as well as the
patronymic of the pirate chief himself,
are borne by many families in the town,
testifying eloquently to the ir
origin, although the y know nothing
whatever about it, Mr. Verrill says.
(The names of Bartholom ew
Sharp. Coxon, and Sawkins are well-known in the
history of the Buccaneers, whose
period of greatest prosperity was between 1671 and 1685. In the ir earlier exploits against the Spanish rulers the y
had the cordial help of the native Indians, who may readily have picked up som e of the ir
phraseology—and especially the ir
"Marry" is a corruption for "by the Virgin Mary," and "oddsbodkins"
represents "by God's body."
These expressions had fallen out of general use in England by the end of the
17th century, and are rathe r.
Elizabethan than Restoration speech. But the
Buccaneers had little sympathy with Puritanical refinement of language; and the name of Bartholom ew
Sharp's vessel harks back to pre-Reformation days, almost forgotten at the time in England ).
Girl bullfighter
From The Australian Wom en's
Weekly, Saturday 10 June 1939
CONCHITA CINTRON, of Peru , is sixteen years old, pretty,
fair-haired, blue-eyed and—a bullfighter.
![]() |
Conchita Cintron |
The protegee of a famous ex-bullfighter, she proved an apt
pupil and has given exhibitions of bloodless bullfighting in Portugal . She
is a granddaughter of the American author
and explorer, A. Hyatt Verrill.
From Cairns Post (Qld.) Tuesday 29 September 1942
Many species of the se
awkward long legged spider-crabs are very retiring creatures and seek
protection from fishes and othe r enemies by burying the mselves
in mud or sand or hiding in cracks and crevices in rocks or coral. Othe rs make the ir
lairs within sponges and only venture forth on foraging excursions when the coast seems clear. But many othe rs live in the
open or among seaweeds, and the se resort
to most remarkable, means to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
They are, in fact, true agriculturists, real crabbed
gardeners, who plant and cultivate various sea plants, as well as plantlike
marine animals, with as much care and often with even more skill than human
gardeners. Moreover, the se
ten-legged agriculturists carry the ir
farms about with the m; for the y use the ir
own backs for the ir garden plots.
Very possibly you have have seen spider-crabs whose shellas were covered with
seaweeds, hydroids, bryozoans, and othe r
growths. . . .
These growths had been planted by the
crab itself. It is a most amusing and interesting experience to watch any of the se crustaceans setting out his garden.
Covered with the
weeds and othe r marine growths the crab is perfectly camouflaged when crawling
slowly about among seaweeds, and, while remaining motionless, he appears merely
a bit of stone overgrown with, seaweeds, hydroids, and corallines. . .
But even more remarkable is the
fact that the se crustaceans realise
that if the ir back-borne gardens are
to be of protective value the y must
not differ from the natural growths about the m
If a crab decked with green seaweeds and olive-colored
hydroids is placed in an aquarium where red or yellow growths predom inate, he will at once begin to uproot his back
garden, tearing the plants off
recklessly and will replace the m
with new cuttings selected from the growths about him. If the
captive has been dwelling where soft broadleafed weeds such as the sea-lettuce abounds, or where the re are fine feathe ry
weeds and ribbon-like growths, his back will undoubtedly be planted with the se. But if he is placed among corallines or bryozoans,
off will com e the
weeds and in a very short time the
crab gardener will bear a thriving growth of the
plantlike animals upon his back and legs.
—A. Hyatt Verrill, in "Wonder Creatures of the Sea."
Plant-Like Animals Found In Sea
From Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) Thursday
22 October 1942
Most of the
plant-like animals we find in the
sea or clinging to the rocks along the shores belong to two groups known as the Bryozoans and the
Hydroids. Of the two, the bryozoans are most frequently noticed, for while
the y are no more abundant than the hydroids the y
are usually larger and more conspicuous, while many forms are not at all like
seaweeds, and usually prove a puzzle to those who notice the m,
says an exchange.
Many are very beautiful things, spreading over the rock or othe r
object in sheets of dainty white, or pink, lace; othe rs
appear like frost crystals. Som e
resemble fern leaves or delicate moss painted in white, gray or lavender upon a
pebble or seashell, while still othe rs
are soft and gelatinous, reminding us of the
slimemolds of our woodlands. . . . All of the se
are moss-like or lichen-like species which adhere closely to the objects to which the y
are attached. But the re are many othe r species which form clusters of slender branches
borne on upright stalks.
As the y closely
resemble small corals, the y are com monly known as Coral-lines. On our own coasts the y are seldom
large or conspicuous, but in tropical and semi-tropical seas the y grow to fairly large size, and are very abundant.
But it is among the
harder encrusting or branched species that we find the
most beautiful and interesting revelations. Som e
are com posed of innumerable graceful
cups that appear made of opalescent glass; othe rs
are vase-shaped and seem formed of finest porcelain. Som e
species are built up of countless tubes that have the
iridescent sheen of mothe r-of-pearl,
and as we focus the lens on a fern-like
branch of anothe r specimen we fairly
gasp in amazement. No wonder we are surprised at what we see, for the plantlike growth is a bryozoan belonging to the genus known as Bugula, and each of the cells covering the
multitude of branches bears the exact
replica of a bird's head with the
bill constantly opening and closing.
Hours, even days, might be spent examining the moss animals in a single tide-pool or adhering
to a single rock, for no two species are alike and all are equally beautiful and
"Wonder Creatures of the
Sea," by A. Hyatt Verrill.
From The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW) Saturday
9 May 1931
"Under Peruvian Skies," by Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill,
is an account of a country of which most Australians know little. Few realise the extent of Peru ,
the area of which is almost as large
as that of Europe, with Russia
excluded. The terrain is most diversified. The littoral is arid and
inhospitable, its monotonous sterility broken only by an occasional river
valley. Then com es the stupendous barrier of the
Andes where are the
highest standard gauge railway in the
world. Beyond tropical Jungle, much of it unexplored, stretches to Iquitos , the head of navigation on the
The natural resources of Peru are extra-ordinarily rich. It
contains practically every known metal. Its oil deposits are among the largest, and its coal reserves the largest in the
world. In its exports of sugar and cotton it ranks among the
first six nations. It is the
original hom e of the potato, of maize, of the
lima bean, and of the shrubs from which quinine and cocaine are respectively derived.
It has more miles of established air lines and spends more money on air
transportation than any othe r
country in proportion to its population. Yet, despite the se
many advantages, Peru
is not very progressive. The exploitation of this wealth is left to the foreigner. Mr. Verrill likes the Peruvians, but he says that the y are wanting in energy and adaptability, and
have no aptitude for business. The most successful industries are in the hands of "gringoes." usually British, or
Americans, and the retail trade is
becom ing a monopoly of the Chinese.
From Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Tuesday 20
August 1907
Professor A. Hyatt Verrill, representing the New
York University
and the New York Aquarium, ,as made
it his special work to hunt, study, and catch the
terrible octopus. His method of procedure is not likely to becom e popular here. He dives down into the water without any protection, and, having
spotted an octopus not too large for him to master, he seizes it with his bare
hands in a peculiar manner and drags it to the
surface. The octopus is chiefly found in the
West Indies, as far as America
is concerned, and it is particularly abundant in the
waters about Bermuda . It is the re that Professor Verrill hunted the creature. The octopus is a very retiring animal.
It lurks in submarine caves and in crevices in the
rocks. Rarely does it face the daylight
or venture into the open sea. There
are good reasons for the se habit.
When the octopus is in proximity to
a rock, it holds on to this base of support with three or four of its
hundred-suckered arms, and the n it
can use its remaining arms with irresistible power to seize any object swimming
in the water, and drag it into its
maw. The octopus, when lying in a crevice of the
rocks, is almost indistinguishable from
the surrounding sea weeds, even by a
creature of the deep. It has a
voracious appetite, and devours vast quantities of lobsters, clams, oysters,
and all kinds of fish.
Professor Verrill decided that the
only hope of catching a devil fish was to dive down into the
lair among the rocks and seize it. He
is a splendid swimmer. The water about Bermuda
is marvellously clear, which greatly facilitates the
work of looking for submarine monsters. The professor made many dives in vain.
Then he found an octopus, but it was too large, and he barely escaped with his
life after one of the horrible arms
had touched him. If two of the m had
reached him he would have been lost. He continued to dive in the near vicinity of this adventure, and the same day he had the
good fortune to happen in upon a moderate-sized octopus, who was calmly sleeping
in a submarine cave. The professor seized the
creature from be hind, pressing both
of his hands round its body behind the
mouth. Then, having only his feet free, he started for the
surface with his burden. The octopus, according to its custom when alarmed, discharged the
contents of its ink-bag, and blackened all the
water. Although taken at a disadvantage, the
octopus was beginning to get a grip on the
professor's body, when he reached the
surface, and was hauled into his boat by his men. The octopus was disentangled
with difficulty from the professor, care being taken not to sever any of
its tentacles, and it was the n placed
in a tank for transportation to New
York .
Anothe r
scientist, Professor Durand, of the University of Montpelier ,
in France , has been hunting
octopuses, which abound among the
rocks of the Mediterranean coast of France , and especially about the island
of Corsica . He goes down
after the dreadful molluscs in a diving
suit. He is not willing to face the
peril of grappling with one of the se
creatures ,with his bare hands. Moreover. he holds that in a diving suit he is
better able to watch the ir habits.
Hunting the octopus
even in a diving suit has proved to be attended by very grave dangers.
Professor Durand cornered a large specimen in a cave, and the octopus flung its arms about him. It was unable to
suffocate him by constricting his neck owing to the
diving helmet, but two of the arms were
thrown about the air pipe, and cut
off his supply of fresh air. The professor was too much entangled by the creature's tentacles to be able to pull the com munication
cord, and he was reduced to unconsciousness and the
point of death. Finally the men at the surface, knowing that the
had been down too long. hauled him up, with the
octopus attached.
BOOKS of the
From Chronicle (Adelaide , SA) Thursday 3 September 1936
Treasure Hunting
EVER since Robert Louis Stevenson wrote his famous novel, 'Treasure Island ,' the
mind is inclined to leap at the idea
that hidden treasure must be the
deposit of pirates. But Mr. A. Hyatt Verrill, in "They Found Gold;'' disproves
this com mon belief. Mr. Verrill is
himself a treasure hunter, and has specialised in the
law of treasure hunting. He tells how treasure can be sought and found by land,
by sea, and even by air.
He has to relate more or less authe ntic
stories of many kinds of treasure sought abortively, of treasure discovered
accidentally, of treasure found and lost again beyond rediscovery. The book is
a sort of treasure hunter's vade mecum, for not only does Mr. Verrill narrate
numerous tales of how he and othe rs
have sought and found wealth in many forms, but also he gives a number of
practical hints to would-be treasure hunters. He gives advice about outfit and
difficulties likely to be encountered. He even offers suggestions about places
where treasure may be sought with som e
likelihood of success. Altogethe r,
it is a dangerous book to put into the
hands of an energetic schoolboy. One might fear that he would be suddenly
missing from hom e,
lured away by the hope of emulating
Mr. Verrill or a more modern Jim Hawkins. 'They Found Gold,' by A. Hyatt
Verrill. (Putnam, 9/6).
Giant Ant Bear of Central and South
From The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld.) Thursday
9 August 1928
"Of all the
denizens of the tropical forests of
Central and South America the giant ant-bear is probably the most dangerous." says Mr. Hyatt Verrill in the "Wide World Magazine." "The
creature is too stupid to know fear. Its thick skin and dense stiff hair render
it almost impervious to ordinary shot; it is remarkably tenacious of life, and
its six-inch curved claws at the
tips of sinewy limbs, which can swing in any direction and are literally
universal-jointed, are terrible weapons capable of ripping a man to bits. No othe r animal willingly at tacks the ant-bear, and while the
creature cannot move rapidly for any distance, and is usually content to mind
its own affairs and devote its life to lapping up ants, it becom es positively insane with rage when disturbed or
From The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW.) Saturday
29 September 1923
In "The Real Story of the
Pirate" Mr. A Hyatt Verrill sets himself to clear up certain popular
misconceptions, about the gentlemen
who used to sail under the Jolly
Roger Thus, to the average person, the word buccaneer connotes a desperado of the most callous, cruel, and truculent description.
Actually the original buccaneers
were no more pirates than were Hawkins or Drake, the
latter of whom was a naval chaplain,
and at one time the vicar of a
parish. They were colonists who had settled In the
West Indies, and, finding agriculture impracticable, had taken to hunting the wild cattle and curing the
flesh. The product, "bucan," was an important article of com merce. The buccaneers were a rough crew, expert
marksmen and woodsmen, but the y had
for long no interest in seamanship or piracy.
A change came during the
wars between Britain , France , and Spain during the
17th century. The buccaneers had already begun to raid in small boats Spanish
ships which had attempted to interfere with the m.
Gradually those operations were organised. A regular town grow up on the Island
of Tortuga , inhabited
exclusively by pirates. When an expedition was on foot, arrangements were made
in a most business-like way. A joint stock com pany
was formed on mythical assets, which would not materialize until the loot was secured, as no capital was contributed.
The leaders supplied the ship and
armament, and all concerned gave the ir
services and brought goods to the com mon stock. The principle of cooperative
profit-sharing has never been better exemplified. An elaborate system tor the division of the
spoil was devised, which necessitated the
employment of skilled clerks to keep the
accounts. Navigators and surgeons were engaged, and the re
was nothing discreditable in accepting such posts. In those days the experience of the
hero of the Gilbert and Sullivan
opera who was to have been apprenticed to a pilot, but through a
misunderstanding was apprenticed to a pirate, would not have sounded fantastic.
The captains did not as a rule sport the
skull and crossbones, but flew the ir
own flag, like respectable yachtsmen. Their respective governments recognised the buccaneers, who only plundered enemy shipping. Hence
the re was nothing strange in the appointment of ex-pirates to offices under the Crown, as happened when Henry Morgan, the greatest and blood-thirstiest of the m all, was made Governor of Jamaica on his retirement
from business. Later the buccaneers degenerated into frank outlaws—who
preyed upon all and sundry. But the re
was a time when the ir calling was
quasi-legal. They were regarded almost as auxiliaries of the ir
country's navy.
Small boys are fond of playing at being pirates and
bushrangers, but the re was as little
rom ance about the
one as about the othe r vocation. Mr. Verrill refuses to invest the pirate with any glamour. He was a brutal
cut-throat whose only virtue was his courage and of whom
the world was well rid. Even after
piracy on any considerable scale had vanished from
the seas it still lingered on in a
smaller way here and the re. The nests
of the Algerian Corsairs gave
trouble before the y were smoked out.
The last pirates in the Caribbean were dealt with in 1825. The Arab dhows that trafficked
in the Persian Gulf and frequently
raided the coast of Africa were slavers, but the y
did not hesitate to indulge in piracy when opportunity offered. The Malays were
enterprising and expert pirates as many a sailing vessel becalmed in eastern
waters learned to its cost. And only last year came the
news of the capture of a lady pirate
in China
who, alter the death of her husband,
carried on the business with great
success. Mrs. Lo Hon-cho held cities up
to ransom and terrorised the coastal shipping in the
neighbourhood of Canton ,
but in the end was betrayed by a follower
who received a free pardon in return for his treachery. Mr. Verrill has written
an engrossing book which is profusely illustrated with original drawings and
reproductions of quaint old prints. (Appleton .)
The Aztecs, The Incas, And The Mayas
From News (Adelaide , SA) Friday 7
November 1947
BUILDING and engineering achievements of the Egyptians, Greeks and Rom ans
were little more than child's play beside the
works of ancient American civilisations, according to A. Hyatt Verrill. The
story of the Aztecs of Mexico, the Mayas of Central America, and the Incas of Peru, as told in Verrill's book, has
endless fascination. . It is fascination based in part on mystery, because
nothing is known for certain of the
origins of the se races, or of the peoples of remote antiquity who preceded the m. No othe r
races of the time, Verrill says,
erected such walls and buildings, wove such textiles, carried out such feats of
stone cutting, built such high ways. Not even the
Rom ans, he says, equalled the 3,000-mile road the
Incas drove through the Andes from Ecuador
to Chile .
No traces of iron or steel tools have been found. But it is difficult to
believe the se ancient races could
have done such work in metals and the
hardest stones with only stone or bronze instruments. Among othe r. accom plishments,
Verrill says, the y fashioned chased gold
beads no bigger than a pinhead, cut, polished, and carved topaz, amethyst,
agate, and othe r precious stones;
executed com plex and beautiful sculptures
in the most refractory of rocks;
wove textiles finer than is possible on any modern loom ;
and moved blocks of stone weighing upward of 200 tons across country for use in
buildings and fortifications. How such things were done, Verrill, says, is perhaps
the greatest of all the mysteries attaching to the se
vanished peoples.
Ants Got Into Bad Books
From The Charleville Times (Brisbane, Qld.) Thursday
20 March 1952
Hyatt Verrill's treatise, "Insects and Their
Stories." The Board found this had invidious references to the superiority of white ants over black ants and
was insulting to Negroes.
Paul Gallico's "Farewell to Sport." Said a Board member: "This book is
viciously anti-semitic. The author says Jews excel in basketball, because the y are shrewd and know how to cut corners."
From Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.) Friday
24 January 1941
There is «a interesting reference to onions, which hare
lately been much In the news, in A.
Hyatt Verrill's "Wonder Plants and Plant Wonders," published in
America last year :
"Sam, my camp boy, preparing dinner surrounded by the wom en
of a primitive Indian tribe in South America ,
tossed aside som e onion peel. The wom en scrambled for bits of it and smeared it over the ir faces and naked bodies. I was short of trade
goods, and this gave me an idea. I began exchanging bits of onion for weapons,
musical instruments, feathe r-work
and jaguar-teeth necklaces. We found garlic even more popular. Those Indians
would have given anything the y owned
for a mere fragment. Had I possessed few pounds I could have purchased the entire village—including the
feminine population." Who says onions were dear at 10d. a pound?-"
Manchester Guardian Weekly."
By H. C. McKAY.
From Queensland Times (Ipswich )
(Qld.) Tuesday 16 October 1934 and
TICK, tick . . . the
nearest clock or watch is ticking up on its taximeter the
sum you are paying for your ride through Life.
That ride, with Old Time as taxi driver, is taken by everyone
of us till the road com es to a dead end and we pay the
The driver never stops on the
road, but how desperately som e of us
long to pull up, step out, and get forward to the
Future or back to the Past!
In plain words, everyone daydreams occasionally of slipping
away from the
present—eithe r to a rom antic period of past history, or on to the future when a new civilisation sways the world.
H. G. Wells started off a series of such fantasies with his
"Time Machine."
![]() |
Father Time |
His Time Machine Traveller built a machine which surged
through time to the future. He
landed in A.D. 802,701.
The climate was warm, the
earth a garden. But it was inhabited by the
degenerate infantile-minded descendants of the
upper classes; while below ground lived the
equally degenerate descendants of the
The latter emerged on dark nights seized the puny surface-dwellers, and (being cannibals)
carried the m below and hacked the m up for food.
Anothe r author,
Francis Flagg, featured a Time machine which carried two travellers to A.D.
2026. They found that the world was
run by Master Ants.
Mankind had degenerated to naked savagery, and the giant Ants rounded the m
up, broke the m in, and used the m as we use horses for riding, and for drawing
Othe r authors
have landed the ir time travellers in
more optimistic Futures.
In "Men Like Gods," Wells visioned a Utopia
inhabited by immaculate Socialists of great physical beauty.
Edward Rementer's traveller found a new race, which had
evolved to intelligence, not through apes, but through cats. They were self-centred,
spotlessly clean, intensely polite, noiseless, and patient: but cruel,
stealthy, and revengeful as well.
Phillip Nowlan's
Time-traveller got to A.D. 2419 and found Armageddon in progress.
The world was ruled by the
Hans (Mongoloids or yellow races), and he was just in time to see the revolt of the
last Whites, the battle being fought
with rockets, disintegrating rays, and anti-gravity devices.
There are scores of othe rs.
In practically every one the
Time traveller cheats Time by getting into its stream (othe rwise,
the Fourth Dimension), and the n speeding along it.
But, after all, the re
is a fallacy here.
If a Time-traveller, who is actually due to die in 1944,
travelled in a time-machine in 1954, he could dig up his own grave and view his
10-year-old skeleton—which is absurd.
Som e ingenious
thinkers have, the refore, reasoned
that the only way to travel in Time
is to detach the mind from the
body, and let the former do the travelling.
J. W. Dunne sports this the ory
in his new book, "The Serial Universe."
His idea is that by recording our dreams and eliminating
all echoes of past events in the m,
we get in the residue the actual future to which our minds travel in
It is thus possible to dream the
winner of the Cup or forecast a com ing prize in the
But really the re
are two kinds of time—clock time and the
time in our brains. One cannot cheat the
clock time.
Everyone remembers Kipling's traveller who, discovering
that a person who travels round the
world from west to east gains a day,
kept feverishly making the circuit
to add extra days to his life.
Or Hyatt Verrill's "Doctor Mentiroso," who,
circling the earth in a 24,000
mile-per-hour craft, left Lima (Peru) at noon, and arrived back five and a half
hours earlier, and eventually went right back into the
More fallacies, due to the
fact that local time is adjusted to the
position of the sun in the sky at that point.
But what of mental time—can this be cheated? It seems so.
When anyone falls into a dream less sleep his mental time
We can sleep several hours and, waking, feel that only a
few minutes have passed.
Even when awake we can go to a gay party and realise (at
its close), with a shock, that four hours have passed like 20 minutes; or we
may estimate a dull five minutes' political talk as a good half-hour.
And what of people and animals who "live faster"
than the average human being?
Dogs and cats breathe
faster, the ir hearts beat quicker, the ir tissues burn up more swiftly than ours.
They live only one-fifth of our span; but how if our
seconds and minutes are five times longer to the m?
For animals' sense of Time is not perpetually overruled by looking at clocks;
most of the m judge Time by the ir stom achs,
the clocks of hunger.
And the slow
animals, sloths, and tortoises, must have a different unit of mental Time also.
So, as we can only escape from
Time's inexorable ticking by means of our minds, the
time may com e when, by an operation
on the brain, anyone can gain a
mentality to which a second becom es
a minute, prolonging his life-experience to the
equivalent of 7200 years.
If the operation
were performed on all children at birth, a new race would arise, to whom a day would seem 1440 hours long.
New clocks would of necessity be constructed to fit this
prolonged mental Time, and man would be rid of the
present inexorable tyrant at last.
Age thinks over the
days that have gone. The largest clock in the
world is claimed to be in Tokio. Two kiddies argue seriously—maybe about what
sort of jobs will be offering when the y
grow up.
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