The Story of the First Carib
By A. Hyatt Verrill
From Everyland magazine, April 1919, Vol.
10, No. 4. Digitized by Doug Frizzle, April 2012.
The following story is one
that Carib mothers tell to their boys and girls. The Caribs are Indians who
formerly lived in Central America and the
West Indies. When the
white men came to their country, they killed or captured most of the Caribs, and now a handful of people is all that
remains of the ancient race.

At that time there lived a man who fell in love with a beautiful
king vulture, and having won her with presents, he took her for his wife. Now when
an Indian marries, he goes to his father-in-law's
house to dwell until such time as he can make a house and plant a provision
field for himself. So, when this young man married the
king vulture maiden, he went with her to her father's
home in Skyland. There he was
received with feasts and dances and drinking by the
king vultures who dwelt there.
But after a time the man tired of the
company of the
king vultures. He became lonely and longed to see his old friends on the earth.
FOR a long time he said
nothing about this, but at last he told his wife and her people that he must
return to earth for a visit. At this the
vultures became enraged, saying he was tired of his wife and of her relatives.
One word led to another until, at
last, the vultures seized the man, and swooping off with him, placed him on the top of a tall Awarra palm. As the trunk of this palm is covered with thousands of
sharp poisonous thorns, the poor man
was in a sad plight, for he could not climb down to earth nor did he dare to
venture back to Skyland.
For a long time he sat there hoping some
wandering hunter might pass by, until at last a spider saw him. The spider took
pity upon his position and spun a strong web down which the
man slid to earth.
THE man's people were very
glad to see him once more, and for many days he visited among them, but ever he thought of his vulture wife and
his little son in Skyland, and again and again he tried to return, but on every
occasion the angry vultures drove
him back to earth. Then the man
became very sad, and to all the
birds and beast he told his story and his troubles. The other
men laughed at him, and the beasts
said that it served him right, but the
birds felt sorry for him, and at last they
promised they
would help him fight the vultures
and win back his wife.

WITH this great army the man set forth for Skyland. There he gave battle
to the king vultures who, after a
long fight, were beaten and driven from
their homes
and scattered far and wide. Then, having destroyed the
vultures' fields and burned their houses,
the birds commenced
to gather up the
property left by their foes. But there were so many birds and so little plunder that
very soon a quarrel arose as to the
division of the loot. The
trumpet-bird and the heron both
seized the same package, and pulling
and fighting they rolled over and
over in the ashes, until the trumpet-bird landed in some
hot coals. The pain of the burns caused
him to let go his hold, but his back was scorched and both birds were covered
with ashes. That is why the heron is
still gray and the trumpet-bird's back
still bears the brown scorched spot
and the ashy-gray feathers.
Meanwhile the owl kept by himself and went prowling about to
see what he could discover. At last he came upon a package neatly wrapped and
strongly tied, and feeling sure that it must contain something
very valuable, he carried it to a secluded spot and opened it. But the package contained darkness. It surrounded the owl, so that ever since then
he has been compelled to move about
in darkness and cannot bear the
light of day.
AT last all the plunder had been secured, and the birds prepared to go back to earth. The eagle,
who was their leader, gathered them
together and called their names, to make certain they
were all there. Among them he saw the
kiskadee with a bandage of white cotton about his head. Now all through the battle no one had seen the
kiskadee, and when the eagle asked
him where he had been, the kiskadee
replied that he had been wounded at the
very beginning of the fight. But
when the doctor-bird (the humming-bird) lifted the
bandage to dress the wound, he found
there was no injury at all.

WHEN all the birds were ready to return to earth, the leaders looked about for the
man, and then for the first time they
found he had been killed by his own son during the
battle. The birds made peace with the
son, and he led them back to earth,
for he was only half king vulture and had no place to go now that the vultures had been driven away.
When he reached the earth, he grew to be a mighty warrior, and
marrying the daughter of a great
chief he founded the fierce and
powerful Carib tribe against whom no
other Indians could stand. And in
memory of the first Carib, who was
half king vulture and half man, the
Caribs to this day wear upon their
foreheads a patch of the snow-white
down of the king vulture.
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