Fancy Knots
and Rope Work
by A. Hyatt
From The American Boy magazine, December,
1910, Vol. 12, No. 2. Digitized by Doug Frizzle, May 2014.
IN THE August
AMERICAN BOY I told you how to make some useful knots and splices and in this
issue I will try to describe some of the more ornamental and fancy knots.
These fancy
knots are useful as well as ornamental, however, and if you ever look about on
board any vessel, be she yacht, merchantman or man-o-war, you will be sure to
see several of them in use and to the inexperienced they appear most
complicated and difficult. In reality it is no harder to tie a good Turk’s Head
or Matthew Walker than a bowline or reef knot once you know how.
In the old
days of sailing ships every able-bodied seaman could tie practically any knot,
and “marlinspike seamanship” was considered as of considerable importance.
Nowadays, wire rigging and steam have rendered knots, ties and splices of less
value and importance, but, nevertheless, almost every ship has at least one
member of the crew who is a proper seaman and can tie knots, splice, serve or
weave sennet as well as any of the old-time salts.
After you have
learned how to tie the various knots you will constantly find new uses for them
which never occurred to you before and if you own a boat of any sort you can
add much to her appearance and “yachtiness” by a liberal use of your skill in
knotting and splicing. The most important of the ornamental knots and the ones
I shall try to teach you to make, are the Crown, with its variations, Figs. 1,
2, 3; the Wall, Figs. 4 and 5; the Matthew Walker, Fig. 6, and the Turk’s Head,
Fig. 7. By the use of these and combinations of two or more an immense number
of fancy knots may be devised and many of these combinations have been in such
general use that they have become recognized as regular knots, such as the Nail
and Crown, Double Wall and Crown, etc. In addition to these real knots, the
covering of rope or rigging to make a smooth even finish or rigging to make a
smooth even finish or “Worming, Parcelling and Serving,” Fig. 23, should be
included as ornamental work, while Four-Stranded Braid and Crown Braiding are
widely used in making laniards, hand lines, fenders, etc., Fig. 8. In addition
to these the amateur rope worker should be familiar with the “Monkey Chain,”
Fig. 9, and should know how to properly sling a barrel, cask or bundle as shown
in Fig. 27.
The material
best suited to tying fancy Knots is either very fine stranded and flexible hemp
or closely twisted soft cotton rope. Either of these is good, but ordinary
manilla is too stiff and bristly to work well for the beginner. Select a piece
of new rope and some fine cotton twine and if possible have a fid, marlin-spike
or piece of smooth-pointed hard wood to help in your work. Unlay the strands of
the rope for six inches or so and pass a seizing of twine around the end of
each strand and around the rope below as shown in the figure. This will keep
your strands and the rope from unlaying further and will save lots of bother.
An expert can work without the seizings but you will find it best not to try
this. We will now try the simplest of fancy knots, known as the Crown. Holding
the rope in your left hand, fold one strand over and away from you, as shown in
A, Fig. 10, then fold B over A and, holding these two strands in place by your
thumb and finger, pass C over B and through the bight of A as shown. Now pull
all the ends tight and work the bights up snug and you will have the single
Crown knot shown. This is a poor knot to stand by itself, however, and is
mainly of value as a basis for other knots and for ending up rope. To end up a
rope with a Crown it is merely necessary to tuck the ends of the strands under
and over the strands of the standing part as shown in Fig. 11, and taper them
down and trim closely exactly as in making an Eye Splice described in my former
article. This makes a most neat and shipshape way of ending up ropes such as
painters, halliards, etc. It will never work loose like a seizing and is
quickly put on at any time, whereas one often wants to end up a rope when no
small stuff for seizings are at hand.
The Wall, Fig.
12, is almost as simple as the Crown, and in fact is like a Crown reversed. In
making this knot bring C downward and across standing part, then bring strand A
over C and around standing part and finally bring B over A and up through bight
of C. When drawn snug the knot is like Fig. 4, without tucked ends. As in the
Crown, the Wall is of value mainly as an ending knot when ends are tucked as in
Figs. 4 and 13, or as a basis for other knots. Either the Wall or Crown may be
rendered more ornamental and useful by “doubling.” This is done by following
around the lay of the strands on a single Wall or Crown. That is, after making
your single wall knot, bring strand A up through its own bight, beside the end
of C. Then bring B up through its own bight beside A and bring C up through its
own bight beside B. This will give you the knot illustrated in Fig. 5 while the
same treatment of a Crown will result in the effect shown in Fig. 3. A still
better effect may be had by crowning a Wall knot. This is done by first making
a Wall and then bringing the strand A up over the top, laying B across A, and
bringing C over B and through bight of A, as shown in Fig. 14. This is the
foundation of the most beautiful of rope-end knots known as the Double Wall and
Crown or Man Rope knot, shown in Fig. 15. Make your single Wall and Crown it,
but leave the strands slack. Then pass the ends under and up through the bights
of the slack single wall and then push the ends of the side of those in the
single crown, pushing them through the same bight in the crown and downward through
the walling. It sounds quite difficult, but if you have learned to wall and
crown before attempting it, you will find it easy enough for it is really
merely “following" the strands of the single wall and crown. The result, if
properly done and ends drawn tight and cut off closely, is surprising and to
the uninitiated, most perplexing, for if the ends are “tucked” through the
strands of the standing part, as shown in Fig. 15, there should be no sign of
beginning or ending to this knot. This is, perhaps, the most useful of
ornamental knots and it comes in very handy in many places. It is often used in
finishing the ends of rope railings to gangways, the ends of Man-ropes (hence
the name), for the ends of Yoke-lines, and to form “stoppers” or toggles to
bucket handles, slings, etc. Its use in this way is illustrated by Figures 19,
20 and 21, which show a handy topsail halliard toggle formed by turning an eye
splice in a short piece of rope finished with a double wall and crown at the
end. Such toggles are very useful about small boats. They may be used as stops
for furling sails, for slings around gait or spars for hoisting and in a
variety of other places which will suggest themselves to the young sailor. The
most difficult of ending knots and one which every amateur sailor should learn,
is the Matthew Walker, or “Stopper Knot,” Figs 6, 16, 17 and 18. To form this
knot, pass one strand around the standing part and through its own bight, then
pass B underneath and through the bight of A and through its own bight also.
Then pass C underneath around and through bights of A, B, and its own bight.
The knot will now appear as in Fig. 17, but by carefully hauling the ends
around and working the bights tight a little at a time, the knot will assume
the appearance shown in Fig. 10 or Fig. 6. This is a very handsome and useful
knot and is widely used on the ends of ropes where they pass through holes,
such as bucket handles, ropes for lifting trap-doors, chest handles, etc. The
knot is well adapted for this purpose as it is hard, close, and presents an
almost flat shoulder on its lower side.
The Turk’s
Head, Figs. 7 and 22, is a knot much used aboard yachts and warships and is so
handsome and ornamental that it is a great favorite. It is used in ornamenting
lower rigging, in forming rings or shoulders on stays or ropes to hold other
gear m place, to ornament yoke lines and for forming Slip-collars on knife
laniards, gun laniards, etc. it is also used to form collars around stanchions
or spars and placed around a rope close beneath a Man-rope knot it gives a
beautiful finish. Although so elaborate in effect it is really an easy knot to
make and while you may have difficulty in getting it right at first, a little
patience and practice will enable you to become proficient and capable of tying
it rapidly and easily in any place or position. To make the Turk’s Head have a
smooth round stick or other object and some closely twisted or braided small
line. Pass two turns with the rope around the rod, A, Fig. 22; pass the upper bight
down through the lower and reeve the upper end down through it, B, Fig. 22.
Then pass the bight up again and pass the end over the lower bight and up
between it and the upper bight. Dip the upper bight again through the lower one
and pass the end over what is now the upper bight and between it and the lower,
C, Fig. 22. Work around in this manner to the right until the other end is met,
when the other part is followed round until a plait of two or more lays is
complete, as shown in Figure 7. The Turk’s Head may be drawn as tight as
desired around the rod or rope by working up the slack and drawing all bights
tight. A variation of this knot may be formed by making the first part as
directed and then by slipping the knot to the end of the rod work one side
tighter than the other until the Head forms a complete cap as shown in Fig. 22,
D. This makes a splendid finish for the ends of stanchions, poles or flag
staffs. Ropes that are to be used for hand lines, stanchions, man ropes or
life-lines or, in fact, for any purpose where appearance counts, are usually
wormed, parcelled or served. Worming consists in twisting a small line into the
grooves between the strands of a rope, Fig. 23 A. This fills up the grooves and
makes the ropes smooth and ready for parcelling. This is done by wrapping the
rope with a strip of canvas, Fig. 23, B. This is tarred and the whole finished
by “serving” or wrapping tightly with spun yarn, marlin or other small stuff,
Fig. 23 C. Although this may all be done by hand, yet the serving is usually
accomplished by using a “serving mallet,” shown in Fig. 23 D. This instrument
enables you to work tighter and more evenly than by hand-serving, but in either
case the rope to be treated should be stretched tightly between two firm
supports. Often a rope is served without parcelling and for ordinary purposes the
parcelling is not required.

No article on
knots would be complete without some mention of slings, for to sling a barrel,
cask, box or bale safely and easily is often of great value and importance.
While the boy familiar with knots and splices will no doubt devise practical
slings of his own, yet the three shown herewith in Fig. 27 may serve as hints
to readers. Fig. 27 A shows a useful sling for bags or bales, and consists
merely of a length of rope spliced together and slip-noosed around the object
as shown. B shows how to sling a barrel upright, while C shows how to sling a
cask in a horizontal position. In this case the rope may be used with an
eye-splice at one end, as illustrated, or it may be merely tied at both ends.
Sometimes a similar sling is used in which an eye-splice is turned in each end
in place of the knot shown. There are numerous other knots both useful and
ornamental, but those described are the more important and if you learn to make
all of these you will be able to pick up others from sight or description, for
each one learned makes the next easier.
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