History of the Ward Line
by A. Hyatt Verrill
The Development of America 's
Oldest Shipping Line and Steamship Service
★ ★ ★ ★

Few are the present-day travelers who can remember the days of the
sailing ships, fewer still are those who made voyages in the old wind-jammers,
and still fewer realize the romance and interest that lie in the history of the
modern mail and passenger steamship lines, in the transition from sail to
steam, the evolution of the clumsy, side-wheel, wooden steamers to the great
liners of today, in the influence upon the development, the progress, the
prosperity and the commerce of foreign lands brought about by this history of
the merchant marine. All too frequently we find that the place America
once held in shipping and the prestige of American ships has passed to foreign
vessels and to foreign lines.
Seldom indeed do we find the same house-flags flying from the masts
of the modern liners as streamed from the topmasts of the old clippers and
packets of three-quarters of a century or even half a century ago.
But those who travel by the steamships of the Ward Line will find
the same house-flag snapping in the wind from the buff steel masts as that
which fluttered from many a white-winged sailing vessel before a steamship
braved the waters of the Atlantic, for the story of the Ward Line goes back for
eighty-four years. It is the oldest of American shipping lines, either sail or
steam, and it can proudly point to the fact that in all that time it has lost
only two ships at sea and has never lost a passenger.
It is questionable if there is another maritime line in the world
that truthfully can make that claim. Moreover, there is no other existing
American line that has had such a large percentage of American built ships, and
no other line has been so long and so uninterruptedly associated with any one
country, or has played such an important part in the development of that country,
as the Ward Line with Cuba
and of later years with Mexico .

Originally and for a number of years the Ward Line was a one-man
line, for it started with a few small schooners trading between the United States and West Indian ports back in
1840, although these vessels, owned by James Otis Ward of Roxbury , Mass. ,
were not confined to the Cuban trade by any means.
Starting from some Massachusetts or
Connecticut port, the staunch little sloops
and schooners would set sail for the West Indies or even South
America laden with grain, bricks, pine lumber, ice, salt codfish,
hardware or even horses, swine and cattle. Stopping in at island after island,
the skippers—canniest and shrewdest of Yankees— would barter New
England goods for local products. At the next port they might
trade what they had already obtained for a more desirable cargo, and frequently
they would drive such excellent bargains by thus disposing of the cargo from
one place in exchange for that of another that by the end of the voyage, the
value of the original cargo had been multiplied many times over.
Such was the character of the trade conducted by Henry Otis Ward
with his fleet of schooners. But he very soon realized that of all the West
Indian islands Cuba held
forth the greatest promise of an ever increasing trade and a lasting
prosperity, and very soon the Ward vessels were making Cuba their sole destination and
were reaping a rich harvest.
Indeed, so rapidly did Mr. Ward’s Cuban trade increase that he
ordered vessels built especially for the island’s trade, and in 1846 the first
ship constructed for the Ward Cuban trade was launched from the shipyards of
William H. Webb. This was a one hundred ton brigantine named James Edward after
the son of the owner, the boy who, a few years later, was to succeed his father
and who was destined to become one of America ’s
greatest shipping men and whose name became a household and almost a revered
word in Cuba .

Ten years after the first of the Ward Cuban packets was launched in
1856, James Edward Ward took control of his father’s interests and with Henry
P. Booth, he formed the James E. Ward Company.
Although still in his teens the younger Ward showed marvelous
ability as a ship owner, and fully realizing that the era of sailing vessels
was rapidly passing and that steam was destined to supersede sail in commerce,
he was among the very first of American shippers to inaugurate an ocean
steamship service.
This was in 1866, the first steam vessel of the Ward service being
the Cuba, a tiny vessel as compared with modern ships, but a marvel in her day
and the first American steamer, with the exception of the Robert Fulton, to
venture on a foreign voyage. So successful was this first Cuban steam packet
that, a year later, a second steamship was put on the run. This was the Liberty , a wooden ship and
one of the earliest steamers to be propelled by means of screw propellers.
For the next ten years these two vessels, augmented by more than
forty sailing craft and several chartered steamers, maintained a constant and
regular communication between Cuban and North American ports. Record passages
(for that period) of six days from Havana to New York were made, but
it must be confessed that the brigs and schooners usually made far quicker
passages than the steam vessels.

From the very start the Ward Line was prosperous. Despite the
unsettled condition of Cuba ,
then in the throes of the Ten Years War, trade increased rapidly and services
were established between New York and Santiago , Cienfuegos by way
of Nassau in the Bahamas
by means of the side-wheel wooden steamer San Jacinto .
And considering her handicaps she made excellent time, completing the voyage
from Santiago via Nassau
to New York
in nine days including stops to load and discharge passengers and cargo.
Few men are alive today who remember the little old San Jacinto that
rolled and pitched her way between Cuba
and New York ,
thrashing the water with her paddle-wheels, sailing fully as much as she
steamed, but weathering storms and gales, fair weather and foul, wintry blasts
and tropical hurricanes. I have been able to locate but one man who actually
took that trip, an elderly Cuban gentleman still in the Ward Line service who,
as a boy of sixteen, sailed from Cienfuegos to New York on the old San Jacinto .
Boy like, the thing that most greatly impressed him was the walking-beam and
the splashing side-wheels, and in a recent conversation he vividly described
how a sailor, washing the top of the paddle- wheel box, fell overboard and was
rescued in mid-ocean.
Probably the San Jacinto was the last of the old fashioned
paddle-wheelers to churn its way back and forth between New
York and Cuba ,
for at that time, 1878, propeller-driven ships were very rapidly replacing the
side-wheel vessels for ocean-going voyages.
The Ward Line at once prepared to meet the demand for larger, faster
and better ships by building two new and splendid steamships for the Ward
fleet. These were the Saratoga and the Niagara , both 294 feet in length and of 2500 tons,
veritable leviathans for that period and run. In these ships the time of
passage was reduced to four days and one hour on the southward voyage and to
three days and nine hours on the northbound run, records that held for a number
of years and were very slightly over the normal running time of today.

The second Saratoga
was launched almost immediately after the sale of the first ship of that name
and, at the time, was by far the largest and finest steamship that ever had
been built in an American yard or placed under the American flag. She was an
iron ship of 2500 tons, 324 feet in length, 34 ft. 4 in. beam and 31 ft. in
depth. She was equipped with a compound engine of 2000 indicated horse power,
and her contract called for a speed of fifteen knots. She was most luxuriously
fitted to accommodate eighty first-class passengers and seventy-five
second-class, and was provided with every latest device and innovation for
safety, comfort and labor-saving.
With the acquisition of these then magnificent vessels, the smaller
and older steamers, and the few sailing vessels still under the Ward
house-flag, were relegated to cargo carrying, and two years later the last of
the Ward Line sailing vessels were disposed of.

Hitherto the Ward Line had confined its regular service to Cuba , making occasional stops at Nassau for passengers or cargo, but in 1879 it began to
run regular ships to the Bahamas ,
the first voyage being made by the Carondelet.
The venture proved profitable and soon afterwards the Santiago was placed on the
New York-Havana-Nassau run and a regular monthly service was thus established.
The business of the Ward Line had by then increased to such
proportions that the owners, together with John Roach and Sons, the
shipbuilders who had constructed the majority of the Ward ships and retained
large interests in them, deemed a larger company desirable, and in 1881 the New
York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company was incorporated under the laws of the
State of New York.
The new firm, composed of James E. Ward, Henry P. Booth, William T.
Hughes and John Roach with a few others took over all the holdings of the
original James E. Ward Company and of John Roach and Sons, whose aid and
cooperation had gone far towards making the line a success.

The addition of these ships enabled the Ward Line not only to
increase its activities in Cuba ,
but also to extend its interests to Mexico , and Mexican ports were
thereafter included in the regular schedules.
In 1890 the Yumuri, Orizaba and Yucatan were built, and
in 1893 the Seneca of the Old Dominion Line was purchased. That same year the
Ward Line lost its first ship, the old City of Alexandria , but without a fatality among the

Who will forget that awful night when the battleship Maine was blown to pieces in the harbor of Havana ?
Anchored in the port at the time was the old City of Washington and so near was
she to the Maine that her awnings, her raise, her deck-houses and some of her
boats were riddled and torn by flying fragments of the destroyed battleship.
Scarcely had the echoes of the explosion died away when the City of Washington ’s boats were
lowered. But the first to touch the water were so injured by the debris from
the battleship that they were useless. The others, however, played an heroic
part in rescuing survivors from the sunken, shattered warship, and the Ward
Liner was at once transformed into a hospital for the wounded and, later, when
the United States declared
war on Spain , the City of Washington served as a transport to carry our troops to Cuba .
The Seguranca and Vigilancia were used as transports during the
Spanish War, and in addition the Niagara and Yumuri were taken over by our
government and were converted to auxiliary cruisers, while the Yucatan served to transport Roosevelt's famous Rough
Riders to Cuba .
With Cuba Libre an accomplished fact and the war over, the Ward Line
at once prepared for greater business than ever before, for the officials
foresaw a rapid and tremendous development of the island's resources under the
new regime, and they realized that with Havana transformed from a pesthole of filth
and disease to a healthful, clean and orderly city, it would become a popular
winter resort and a Mecca for tourists. But even the officials of the Ward Line
did not dream to what an extent Cuba ’s
prosperity would increase, nor could they or anyone else foresee the time when
Americans would flock to Havana
by tens of thousands each winter, and bigger and better ships would be
necessary to accommodate them.
In 1898 the Havana , the Mexico and the Saratoga
(Third), all 5000 ton ships, were added to the Ward Line fleet, to be followed
in 1900 by the Morro Castle of 6004 tons and in 1902 by the Esperanza and the Monterey of 4702 tons

This did not mean, however, that the Ward Line was not prospering
nor that it was permanently reducing its fleet. On the contrary it merely was a
preparation for larger and better ships: The Merida and the Mexico (second), each of 6207 tons
were placed in commission in 1906.
In the following year the Havana
(second) and the Saratoga
(fourth) were launched, and the Ward Line thus possessed the largest tonnage
and the finest fleet of vessels of its entire career.
At that time the company owned nineteen ships with a total tonnage
of 84,411 all under the American flag, in addition to eight totalling 20,624
tons under foreign flags. The American vessels were the Morro Castle, the
Esperanza, Monterey, Merida, Mexico (Second), Havana (Second), Saratoga (Fourth),
Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Matanzas and Santiago (Second) with several tugs
and tenders, while under the Cuban flag (a necessity owing to the ships having
been purchased abroad) were the Manzanillo, Yumuri, Guantanamo and Bayamo with
some smaller chartered ships: the largest tonnage of any American steamship
line of that period, and the largest tonnage and finest American ships of any
line of that time.
From the very beginning, James E. Ward and his associates had been
ardent, almost fanatical supporters of American ships for American shippers.
With a few exceptions—less than a dozen vessels —every ship owned by the
company was American built, and it is very doubtful if any one line ever did
more to encourage American shipbuilders and to add to the American merchant
In 1911 the Ward Line suffered a serious loss, a loss, however, that
has become famous, that has led to innumerable stories—both fact and fiction—to
adventurous treasure-seeking expeditions, and that has perpetuated the name of
one Ward ship for all time. This ship was the Merida which, carrying over eight
hundred thousand dollars in specie, was in collision with the steamship Admiral
Farragut off Cape Charles and sank after many hours, carrying with her to the
bottom all the treasure, together with gold, specie, jewelry and other
valuables belonging to the passengers, the whole amounting to a value of
several million dollars.
From the time the Merida
went down until the present day innumerable attempts have been made to salvage
the precious cargo, but so far without success. Several times the wreck has
been located and buoyed, but each time storms have arisen and have compelled
the treasure-seekers to abandon their operations.
Very probably more money has been wasted in trying to recover the Merida ’s treasure than the treasure amounted to; but with
modern methods and deep-sea diving apparatus some one may yet be fortunate
enough to wrest the treasure of the Merida from
the bottom of the Atlantic .
The next important event in the history of the Ward Line was the
World War, and nobly did this oldest of American lines respond to the call of
its country in time of need. Among the first vessels taken over by the United States government for service in the
World War were the Ward liners Havana and Saratoga . These two
splendid ships, that had plied for so long between New
York and Cuba
and had carried thousands of Americans to this winter playground of the
tropics, were transformed into hospital-ships and were renamed the Mercy and
the Comfort.
Two other Ward liners were also taken over by our government. These
were the Orizaba and the Siboney, and both
served as transports until the end of the war, passing many times unscathed
through the submarine-infested waters of the North Atlantic and carrying many
thousands of our troops overseas to battle-torn France .
The close of the World War found the Ward Line still on the job of
linking Cuba and Mexico with New York ,
and with the tremendously increased business of Cuba ,
due to the high price of sugar and the immense shipments from the Island, the
existing docking facilities of Havana
proved inadequate for the city’s commerce.
As usual the Ward Line took the initiative, and in 1920 commenced
the construction of modern concrete terminal docks that were completed in 1925
at a cost of more than five million dollars. These docks, by far the finest and
most modern in the West Indies , have a
capacity for berthing five ships at once and are most conveniently situated
close to the station of the United Railways, with tracks connecting the main
railway lines with the ships' berths. They are equipped with every modern
device and facility for the rapid loading and discharge of cargo, with electric
cranes, tractors, locomotives and other appliances, and are so commodious that
several ships may be loaded or discharged simultaneously.
There are also ample accommodations for the embarkation of
passengers and the customs examiners, with offices of the Company in the same
building. Large storage space and warehouses, as well as refrigerating rooms
for perishable freight are provided, and nothing is lacking to make the Ward
docks in Havana as modern, as convenient and as efficient as any in America, if
not in the world.
At the present time (1930) the Ward Line fleet consists of the Orizaba , Siboney, Havana , Monterey , Antilla, Agwistar, Camague, Cauto and Panuco, in
addition to the Morro Castle, to be followed within a few months by the
Oriente, a sistership to the Morro Castle .
In building the Morro Castle and
the Oriente, the Ward Line makes an outstanding addition to the American
Merchant Marine. A notable credit to American enterprise, ingenuity and
scientific skill. These new vessels are of twin-screw turbo-electric
oil-burning type and capable of maintaining a cruise speed of 20 knots an hour.
The sailing time to Havana
is reduced by about 12 hours.

These great ships each have an overall length of 508 feet, beam of
70.9 feet and loaded draft of 26.5 feet. They are of imposing appearance, with
seven decks including four tiers of superstructure, comprising the steel
erections above the bridge deck, and are of the complete superstructure type.
Every requirement for cruising in tropical waters has been met in
their design and construction. Passenger quarters and public spaces are
unusually large and spacious, and are heated and ventilated from a central
source, ensuring warm or cool air as required by the weather, and eliminating
that sense of stuffiness so often encountered where direct radiation is employed.
The major public spaces are unusually spacious and have been
designed and furnished with not only an idea of taste and charm, but also of
restfulness. While various architectural styles are made use of in different
rooms, the arrangement and colors make an agreeable transition from one space
to another, giving the vessel a spaciousness suggestive of the largest type of
trans-Atlantic liner.
There is abundant space for outdoor and indoor recreation. The
forward end of the Promenade Deck is enclosed in glass, making a pleasant place
for deck chairs. The Deck Ball Room, similarly enclosed, is at the after end of
the same deck. A profusion of flowers in wrought-iron stands, gay wicker
furniture, picturesque ship’s lanterns and special light control devices add to
the charm of this room.
The Verandah Cafe, near the Ball Room, is enclosed in glass
casements, giving uninterrupted view of the dancers. Refreshments are served in
these charming surroundings. The Lounge, Smoking Room, Writing Room and
Library, each admirably suited to its specific use, open on the Promenade Deck.
The Children’s Play Room, on “A” Deck, is a nursery paradise. Wall
decorations represent a street scene in Spain , and landscapes from Mother
Goose Nursery Rhymes.
The Gymnasium on the Game Deck has every needed appliance for
regular exercise. The adjoining outer deck is a large area with plenty of
equipment for deck games and sports.
A centrally controlled Broadcast Receiver of superior character,
will guarantee close communication with the radio world.
A Barber Shop with skilled attendants; and a general shop dispensing
cigarettes, perfume, toilet requisites, pictorials and novelties, are
gratifying conveniences.
The first class Dining Room on “D” Deck, extends upward two decks,
through the mezzanine, which enhances the spaciousness of this compartment and
assures proper ventilation. Appointments and service are all that could be
desired while the cuisine from the electric kitchen maintains the Ward Line’s
fine reputation.
Private quarters for passengers are unusually comfortable and
luxurious. Staterooms, generally, are outside rooms, with modern beds, running
hot and cold water, mechanical ventilation, and heating by the Thermo System;
electric bed lamps and reading lamps, telephone and annunciator systems.
Chronology of Ward Line
Name How
Acquired Date Disposal Date
JAMES EDWARD Built 1846 Sold 1877
CITY OF ALEXANDRIA Bought 1888 Lost at Sea 1893
CITY' OF COLUMBIA Bought 1888 Sold
YUMURI Built 1890 Taken by U.
S. 1898
SENECA Bought 1895 Sold
SEGURANCA Bought 1894 Sold
VIGILANCIA Bought 1894 Sold
ESPERANZA Built 1901-2 Lost at Sea
MONTEREY Built 1901-2 Still in service
BAYAMO Bought 1907 Sold
YUMURI (2ND) Built 1907 Sold
SlBONEY Built 1918 In service at present time
ANTILLA Bought Sold 1929
AGWISTAR Built In use at present
time 1929
CAMAGUEY Built In use at
present time 1929
CAUTO Built In
use at present time 1929
use at present time 1929
SAN JACINTO Chartered In use at present time 1929
ORIENTE Built 1930
Ships in Operation by Ward
1846 First ship built for Cuban trade: Brigantine, JAMES EDWARD*
1866 First steamer to make regular trips to Cuba : S.S. CUBA
1866-7 S.S. LIBERTY
1877-8 First steamer to
Nassau and southern Cuba : Side-wheeler SAN JACINTO
1877-8 S.S. SARATOGA *
1877-8 NIAGARA *
1879 NEWPORT *
1879 SARATOGA (2nd)*
1888 CITY OF
1890 YUMURI*
1898 HAVANA *
1905-6 MERIDA *
1907 HAVANA (2nd)*
1918 ORIZABA (2nd)*
1930 Turbo Electric Liner MORROCASTLE*
(*Built in American
shipyards for the Ward Line)
Captions to the
The “James Edward” a 100-ton brigantine, the first ship constructed
for the Ward Line in 1846.
The “Carondelet” inaugurated Cuban and Bahama Service making her
first trip in 1879.
The “Saratoga ,”
2,300 tons, was built in 1878. She reduced the Havana run to 4 days and 1 hour.
The “ Niagara ,” 294 feet long,
2,500 tons, built in 1878. She served in the Spanish-American War.
The “Santiago ,”
2,400 tons, was built in 1881. She was sold about 1905.
The “Orizaba ”
(First), built in 1890, operated in the Cuban trade, and in 1905 was sold.
The “Yucatan ,” built in 1890,
carried Col. Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders to Cuba .
The Ward Liner “Seneca,” was purchased in 1895 from the Old Dominion
Line for the Cuban service.
The sister ships “Orizaba ” and
“Siboney” offering express sailings New York
to Havana and
Vera Cruz.
from Wikipedia:
The line operated out of New York City's Piers 15, 16, and 17—land
which later became the site of the South Street Seaport and also the Manhattan
terminal of the IKEA-Red Hook ferry route. The company’s steamers linked New
York City with Nassau, Havana, and Mexican Gulf ports. The company had a good
reputation for safety until a series of disasters in the mid-1930s, including
the SS Morro Castle disaster. Soon after, the company changed its name to the
Cuba Mail Line. In 1947, the Ward Line name was restored when service was
resumed after World War II, but rising fuel prices and competition from
airlines caused the company to cease operation in 1954.
In the 1920s, service reductions, poor management, and
rehabilitation of its aging fleet nearly bankrupted the company, but subsidies
from the United States government helped to resuscitate the company. In 1929
government financing help the Ward Line build two new luxury liners, SS Morro
Castle and SS Oriente. With two of the newest liners in the Merchant Marine and
relatively low fares, the company was able to weather the early years of the
Great Depression relatively well.
In 1934, the Ward Line’s reputation for safety at sea suffered a
major setback. On September 8, 1934, Morro Castle caught fire killing 137, a
tally that is still the highest death toll of any U.S.-flagged merchant ship.
In the months that followed the company suffered a series of further public
relations disasters. Havana ran aground near the Bahamas in January 1935, and
SS Mohawk a ship chartered by the Ward Line to replace Havana, sank on its
initial voyage the same month. The Ward Line name was dropped in favor of Cuba
Mail Line to help put these disasters behind the company, but it never truly

Later incarnations:
In 1955, the Ward Line name was purchased by Thomas Stevenson who
operated foreign-flagged freighters under the Stevenson Lines name, but as
Stevenson’s company diversified, it moved away from the shipping industry. In
1955, Compañía Naviera García, a Cuban steamship company, bought the Ward name
and ran its company under the name Ward-García Line. Ward-García lasted only
until 1959 when declining demand and the Cuban Revolution ended its service.
About the pamphlet:
A copy of the pamphlet came from Steamship Historical Society of
America, www.sshsa.org.
The pamphlet was created in 1930; four years before the fire on
board the Morro Castle.
Augusta Ward was my great grandmother. So nice to enjoy your compilation of family history.
Nice to see the history well done. I am also a decendant of the Ward family with my grandfather Thomas William Rowland being the port captain of the Line for many years. My grandmother is Edna Inez Ward.
Nice article my stepfather was Garcia Limes in Cuba after leaving cube he continued Garcia limes in the US he serviced central and south America to include the Caribbean via a fleet of mini tankers
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